Super Fat Burning Diet Plan for Men

The magic weight loss formula is so simple to say, so hard to do: Eat less + exercise more = weight loss. Chances are just a few habits are going to have to change for you to lose some weight.

What’s the big deal about weight? You aren’t a bad person, you aren’t less of a man than the skinny and or buff guys, and you don’t have issues if you gain a little weight. You just like to eat. Is that really so bad?

Well, yeah, it is, if it leads to chubbiness or worse. You know about all the health problems that come from too much weight, all of which get worse with age. So you should deal with it, and deal with it now.

Weight gain is basically caused by some combination of five problems: poor eating habits, too much quantity of food, not enough exercise, eating junk, and/or a mindset that allows you to gain weight. Let’s look at each one:

Poor eating habits – Have you been having a snack the minute you walk in the house ever since you were in first grade? Or do you like to eat chips while watching TV or while on the computer – and a few chips turns into the whole bag? These kinds of habits are poison. Get ready to change one bad eating habit per week for the next month.

Too much food – This one is really easy. Cut all your food portions by at least 1/3, maybe by half. That’s right, all of them, for one week. You will be amazed at how quickly you adapt to smaller portions, how full you feel. This change is great because you still get to eat everything you love, just less of it. And you won’t believe how much you used to eat for no good reason.

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Not enough exercise – Turn off the TV and/or the computer for one hour each day and do something. Walk, garden, work out, swim, help with the household chores, anything. You will be exercising and you won’t be eating, the twofer in weight loss.

Eating junk – What foods make you say, “I should really quit eating this. It is terrible for me.” Whatever they are, quit eating them. Potato chips, sweet drinks, sugar on cereal, sugar on anything – find four of your empty calorie foods and quit eating one of them each week.

Mindset – Check your attitudes about food. If you eat to please your wife or your mom, if you deserve a snack, if you should eat now in case you get hungry later, if you eat because you are bored, tired or lonely, well, those are attitudes worth a look.

Now it’s up to you. Talk to your doctor if you need to lose lots of weight or have health problems. Then make a four week chart in a way that works for you. Make changes in each behavior each week. Then follow your own plan for one month, and you will lose weight.

There’s no need to do anything drastic or try to make yourself over all at once. Weight comes on slowly and goes away slowly. Chart a path and begin today!