Sunscreen: You Might Not Think You Need It, but You Do

It’s impossible not to hear about the damage sun exposure can cause, and how important it is to wear sunscreen. But, even with all the warnings, there are some who don’t realize they need sunscreen. Or they believe they only need sunscreen at certain times.

If you haven’t been wearing sunscreen because you didn’t think you needed it, maybe this will change your mind.

Even if you have olive or dark skin, you need sunscreen.

Anyone can suffer the harmful effects of sun exposure, no matter what their complexion. While it’s true that those with darker complexions don’t have to worry as much about sunburn as someone with very fair skin, anyone can suffer the effects of sun damage, including wrinkles, age spots, and skin cancer.

Everyone would benefit from wearing a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 at all times, especially if they’re going to be spending a lot of time out in the sun. Buying products that already contain sunscreen-like moisturizers, cosmetics, and lotions-is the most convenient way to make sure your skin is protected from the sun. You should also consider using hair products that contain sunscreen, to protect your scalp.

You should wear sunscreen during the winter months.

Just because you don’t feel the heat of the sun doesn’t mean your skin isn’t being affected by harmful UV rays. People have gotten sunburned even when there’s two feet of snow on the ground and the temperature is below freezing. So, you should always wear sunscreen, no matter the time of year.

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Sunscreen will not prevent your skin from tanning.

Sunscreen won’t keep you from tanning. But sunscreen will help decrease the amount of damage sun exposure can cause. So, wanting your skin to have a golden glow should not keep you from wearing sunscreen. Besides, a deep suntan is actually a sign of skin damage. The “healthy tan” of today could mean age spots, wrinkles, and more serious skin conditions later on.

It’s never too late to begin using sunscreen.

There’s a myth floating around that most sun damage occurs before you are 18. (Although, I’ve also heard 21 and 30.) Once you are past that age, it’s not as necessary to wear sunscreen.

But sun damage has nothing to do with age. It has to do with sun exposure. If you go out into the sun, and you aren’t wearing sunscreen, your skin will be damaged.

If you start using sunscreen now, you’ll decrease further damage to your skin. Also, once it’s protected, your skin will begin the process of repairing itself, and reversing some of the damage the sun has already caused.

Everyone should wear sunscreen, no matter their age or ethnicity, and not matter what time of year it is. Using sunscreen every day is a simple step that will mean years of beautiful, healthy skin.