Summer Vacation Travel Destinations: Bizarre and Weird Summer Festivals

Summer time is all about vacations. Whether you’re looking for something strange and unique or outright bizarre the following summer festivals are sure to add joy to your summer vacation destination plans.

National Hollerin’ Contest North Carolina

If you’re looking for a festival to kick off your summer vacation plans where you can make strange animal calls, holler uncontrollably or just have a good laugh check out North Carolina’s National Hollerin’ Contest in June.

This festival was originally set up in 1969 by radio host, Ermon H. Godwin who joked about reviving the “lost art of hollerin'” by hosting a hollerin’ contest. That one joke of a contest unexpectedly brought in thousands of people from all over the country.

Today thousands of people still flock to Spivey’s Corner North Carolina every summer to enjoy a day of hollerin’, entertainment, food and fun.

The Hollerin’ Contest has been so successful that winners have been featured on the Tonight Show and Late Night with David Letterman. Popular magazines, Stars and Stripes and Sports Illustrated have covered the hilarious spectacle.

Events at the National Hollerin’ Contest include The Whistlin Contest, the Fox Horn Blowin’ Contest, the Junior Hollerin’ contest, the Ladies Callin’ Contest and the National Hollerin’ contest.

You can partake in the festivities in Spivey’s Corner, North Carolina the third Saturday of every June.

Moose Dropping Festival

The Moose Dropping Festival is a fundraiser for the Talkeetna Historical Society. This is not a festival in which Moose are dropped from the sky but rather a tribute to Moose poop where many of the games and activities center around the poop.

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The main event at the festival is a contest in which participants buy raffle tickets and bet on the number of poop patties that will be dropped from a helicopter on to a bullseye target waiting below. Each poop patty is numbered and those numbers coincide with the raffle tickets.

Of course the Moose Dropping festival has much more to offer. There are foot races, baseball games, a parade, street vendors, and a Mountain Mama contest.

The Moose Dropping festival is a two day event held on July 12 and 13, 2008 in Talkeetna Alaska.

Redneck Games

Dublin Georgia makes an excellent summer vacation destination. Why? Because it’s where the Redneck Games are held.

The Redneck Games originally started off as a stupid radio station promotion and has since turned into a national curiosity. The creator of the games, Mac Davis, made a statement about the games saying, “”Back in 1996, Atlanta was going to host the Olympics and a lot of jokes were being made about a bunch of rednecks hosting the Olympics. So I figured, if that’s what people expect, let’s give it to them!”

Now you too can let your redneck shine through by participating in the Hubcap Hurl, the Bobbin’ for Pig’s Feet Fest or Redneck Horseshoes contest in which toilet seats are thrown.

The Redneck Games are held every year in August in Buckeye Park in Dublin Georgia.

Red Bull Flutag.

A summer vacations just isn’t a summer vacation without Red Bull or the Flutag.

The Red Bull Flutag is a competition in which individuals create bizarre flying machines that they use to compete against other oddball flying machines.

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For those competing in the Red Bull’s Flutag, a team may consist of up to 5 people however only the pilot is allowed inside the machine when it is launched into the air. All flying machines are expected to crash in the water below.

This summer, after four years of waiting, Tampa Bay will be the proud hosts of the Red Bull Flutag on July 19th.

If you haven’t had a good time after visiting some of these strange summer time festivals then maybe you should just hang it up and go home. And believe me when I say there are a whole heck of a lot more weird summer (and winter) festivals being held all across the country.