Summer Jobs in South Jersey

Summer for many brings a chance for new or additional opportunities in employment.

Whether you are looking to get a brand new job, an additional job for extra income or strictly a seasonal position, summer tends to be the best season for seeking employment due to increasing job availability.

In Southern New Jersey, there are plenty of positions open no matter what you’re looking for.

For those looking for a seasonal position, or for a job as a second source of income, you should apply to work with National Event Services (NES).

NES is otherwise known as the staff for the music venues in the South Jersey/Philadelphia area, including Festival Pier, Tower Theatre, The Theater of Living Arts and the Susquehanna Bank Center, previously known as the Tweeter Center.

As most concerts and events take place in the summertime, summer is the busiest season for all venues, making more work and more positions available.

Positions range from ticket-takers, ushers, food vendors, security, merchandise and backstage personnel. You must be at least 16 to apply but must be 18 or older to do security.

From personal experience, the best part about working for NES is the flexible hours. For the most part, one can pick and choose what events they can or cannot work, as long as he or she commits to working the shows signed up for. Generally the hours are mostly afternoons/evenings, anywhere from 3 PM to 12:30 PM.

Starting off, most positions pay minimum wage, yet the job comes with tons of perks, especially for music lovers. Of course, one gets to see free shows, but also gets inside information on upcoming shows, gets to meet radio personalities, travel and get backstage access if chosen for that position.

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Besides local concerts, NES also works festivals such as the All-Good Festival in West Virginia, while sometimes helping out the staff at the Wachovia Center.

One needs no prior experience, while the position is mostly part-time.

Apply on or call one of the venues for more information.

Another seasonal job that provides very flexible hours, is working as a freelance promoter.

Freelance promoters work for various different promotional companies, with the ability to pick and choose their assignments.

If you see people handing out samples, flyers, dressing in costume, entertaining the public or representing a brand or product, these are most likely people working a promotion.

Most companies require no prior experience, but encourage you be at least 18, be a good communicator, a people-person, reliable and presentable (usually visible piercings and tattoos are discouraged.)

Hours vary, but the job pays anywhere from $10-$25 per hour, depending on assignment.

Freelance promoting is a great job for outgoing people who love the public, love to stand out or love to work on a team. If you’re shy or do not take rejection lightly, this may not be the job for you.

The best way to apply for promotions is to first seek out specific companies. Once you begin working for them, you have a better chance of receiving more work and higher pay.

Some companies in the past I have worked for include Encore Nationwide, Promosynthesis and TH Outdoor. Most promotional companies accept applications online. is another helpful website. Simply search in the “gigs” section of your local city to find people hiring to work promotional, acting, modeling, computer and even babysitting gigs.

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Again, the best part of working promotions is you can pick and choose what gigs you can and cannot work. Sometimes you may even receive free products/samples as part of the promotion.

Lastly, for students who are looking to start working their first job, or for those looking strictly for a summer job, there are always summer positions open for water ice and ice cream parlors.

In South Jersey, such places include Cabana, Lite n’ Up, Heaven Scent and Rita’s.

Of course, summer is the busiest season for such places. Hours range from 10 AM till 11 PM, while no prior experience is needed.

Most places require you to be at least 16, and the job usually pays minimum wage, sometimes with tips.

No matter what type of job you’re looking for, summer is perhaps the best season for finding employment. Start looking today!