Summer Jobs for Your 14/15 Year Old Teen in North Carolina

With summer in mid swing and fall just a around the bend, there are endless positive activities to get your teen involved in. Depending on labor laws exercised in your state, your 14-15 your old may be able to get a job. I know, sounds like a joke. But there actually are businesses that can legally hire your teen, allowing them to make some extra money for their activities, purchase entertainment, and even things necessary for school. I was fortunate enough to be employed at the age of 14. It allowed me to feel responsible and even though it wasn’t needed, I learned how to contribute to my family, invaluable lessons that I utilize today.

Every child that is employed who is under the age of 18 is bound by the North Carolina youth employment laws. In North Carolina, 14/15 year olds are able to work as long as they apply to the labor department for a valid work permit. This is an agreement between the employee, employer and the state to observe the child labor laws. They are broken down into two basic brackets, 14/15 and 16/17. During the summer, North Carolina labor law states that a 14/15 can work up to 40 hours in a week. With minimum wage now at 6.15, there is a possibility to make a lot of pocket change!

There are restrictions to the positions a 14/15 year old can hold. For instance, a 14/15 year old can work in a restaurant, but they cannot be employed by an establishment that serves or sells alcohol. They cannot operate anything power driven and cannot operate heavy equipment. While working, a 14/15 cannot work more than 5 consecutive hours without a 30 minute interval of rest.

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Some of the positions a 14/15 year old may be able to hold are:

Apprentice: This may or may not be a paying gig, but if you know what career field your child is interested in, network and find someone willing to allow them to gain some hands on experience which will look great on a college application not to mention a resume.

Secretary/Office Setting: A 14/15 year old may put their love for telephone talk to use answering phones, filing and data entry. This position will enable them to use and improve their social skills while meeting and greeting people and taking orders from someone in a position of power on a daily basis.

Recreational Activities: Potential jobs such as a swimming pool life guard, a camp counselor, a tutor, and other park related positions.

Landscaping: While the youth employment laws restrict 14/15 year olds from operating power driven or heavy operated machinery, there are plenty of other ways or them to contribute. Let them use their imaginations on a flower bed. They can do anything manual. Rake leaves, clear debris, anything that isn’t hazardous.

Retail/Grocery Stores: 14/15 year olds make perfect bag babies or cart cousins. They can stock merchandise, move displays, help customers, and run a cash register. This position will expose them to customer care.

Restaurant/Cashier: Taking orders, helping customers, preparing food and cashiering are all jobs that a 14/15 year old can do in a restaurant setting. They can clean and help to maintain the facilities. In a restaurant there are endless positions a 14/15 year old may hold.

With all the possible places of employment, and the loads of cash your teen stands to make, taking this step into the world of employment is more valuable than the paychecks they will receive. The sense of responsibility that comes with stepping into this adult only word can help build confidence and social skill that are imperative later in life.