Summer Jobs for College Students

Are you a college student that is looking for a job? Well here are some suggestions on some possible summer jobs for College Students that you might be interested in.

Waiter/Waitress– This is a position that teaches a high level of responsibility. It allows a college student to realize that following a strict work schedule can help them maximize their earning potential. It also shows the the value that service positions provide to the public and the importance of treating others with respect. Tips that a waiter or waitress earn often are highly dependent on how they treat the people they are serving. This ability to interact with and respect others helps them in future positions. This summer job for college students can actually help college students prepare for management positions as they learn the importance of how to treat others. The skills a college student learns in this summer job for college students can actually provide a model for how to treat their employees when they obtain management positions as they progress in their career path. These positions are typically advertised in local newspapers, but don’t be afraid to inquire at restaurants you dine at. Many will hire even when they are not advertising for open positions for summer jobs for college students openly.

Government Intent– This is a great summer job for college students as it allows them to learn how government works. While working as an intern they will learn the realities of government procedures and to develop strong relationships that can help them gain positions when they graduate from college and are looking for full time employment. This is a position that is a great summer job for college students as it helps them learn how to deal with people in positions that have much higher influence and power than their own positions. This ability to learn how to relate to those in positions of power can give college students a great skill in negotiation and influence for future employment. Internships are offered not only with elected government official’s offices, but also in various govenment agencies at the county, state, and federal levels. Check with your college advisor or local government agencies for more details.

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House Painter- This position might not seem glamorous, but it actually serves as a great position to learn about small business. Many of these home painting businesses advertised in local newspapers are operated by college graduates who took the college painter position themselves as college students. Many times management in the house painting company will not only offer the summer job for college students as a way for college student to make extra money, but also help teach them the skills needed to run their own home painting business. Many college students then use this teaching from the summer job as a college student to run their own small businesses when they graduate from college. These positions can be found in many major cities during the summer, check your local business for details.