Summer Jobs for 12 Year Old Kids

So, you’re 12 and want to find a job. You’ve probably discovered by now that “real” jobs for 12 year olds are pretty hard to find.

The reason for this is something call the “Child Labor Laws.” These laws were enacted in 1938 to protect kids from being hurt on the job, being overworked or taken advantage of, or having a job interfere with school. It doesn’t have anything to do whether you are responsible or not, it has to do with child safety. The Child Labor Laws restrict businesses from hiring kids under the age of 14.

For a 12 year old looking for a summer job, there aren’t any 9-5 jobs available. However, if you’re a go-getter who doesn’t mind looking around the neighborhood for job opportunities, there are all sorts of jobs you can do to earn some summer cash. Before you go searching for that job however, discuss your plans with your parents first. Your parents can suggest the names of neighbors who are trustworthy and might be looking for some summer help.

Pet Care

Your parents might know of people who could use a little extra help with their pets. Possible jobs include:

Dog walking
… Watching household pets while families are on vacation.
… Pooper Scooper Upper (Most people would be happy to pay someone to scoop backyard dog poop on a regular basis.)
… Refilling water bowls in the middle of the day while the owner is at work.
… Dog washing.
… Shoveling out horse stables.

Child care

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With kids home for the summer, the opportunities for baby-sitting are endless. Instead of baby-sitting in the evening, why not baby-sit during the day as well? Another option might include organizing a drop in day care in your home twice a week.

Yard Work

Most kids groan at the idea of yard work, but it really is a great paying job for kids (and even adults). With most yard mowing services charging a minimum of $30 for a postage stamp yard and up to $100 for a half acre, a kid with a mower can undercut the competition and make a nice income for himself. Other options for outdoor yard jobs include:

… Washing driveways.
… Raking leaves.
… Weeding & trimming.
Water lawns and/or potted plants while people are on vacation.
… Refilling bird feeders.
… Washing lawn furniture.


While housecleaning can be kind of dull, when you are cleaning for pay it isn’t quite so bad! Ask your parents for the names of neighbors who look like they might need a little extra help with light chores around the house. Start your search with senior citizens and parents with lots of kids.


Part of the secret to earning money is look for opportunities to make money. Some of the ways my kids and their friends used to earn cash included:

Selling ice cold bottled water across the street from neighborhood yard sales.

Wearing a clown costume and helping out at birthday parties.

Helping neighbors set up their garage and yard sales.

Collecting aluminum cans and scrap metal for recycling.

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Washing cars.

Entering exhibits and art work at the fair for cash prizes.

Growing aquarium plants and selling them to the pet store.

Breeding lizards, guppies, and other small animals for resale.

Making jewelry, reconstructed punk tee shirts, homemade soap, or candles to sell at craft fairs.

Delivering pizza coupons or other types of advertising flyers around the neighborhood.

Tutoring or helping other kids with their homework.

Delivering newspapers.

Selling stuff on eBay.

Altar serving at funerals.

Umpire for pee wee baseball leagues.

Picking fruit.

For a 12 year old kid looking to earn some summer cash, these are just a few ideas to get you started. Why my kids discovered is that once you let the neighbors know that you are available to hire for odd jobs, all sorts of job offers will start coming your way.