Summary: Number the Stars by Lois Lowry

Number The Stars is about a girl named Annemarie Johansen. Annemarie lives in city of Copenhagen, Denmark, and in September 1943, the third year since the Nazi’s took over Denmark. Annemarie’s best friend is Ellen, who is Jewish, and is facing though times. One day, the girls stopped by soldiers on their way home from school. The two friends, who attend the same school and live in the same place, are frightened by an encounter with the Nazis. Mrs. Johansen and Mrs. Rosen were worried, and they asked the girls to go to school a different way. Later in the year, Kirsti, Annemarie’s younger sister, and Annemarie discover that Mrs. Hirsch’s shop has been closed. This makes Mrs. Johansen even more worried, and Annemarie wont understand why.

During a visit late at night from Peter Nielson, a member of the Resistance and the man Lise was to marry, Annemarie finds out more information about the war. Annemarie’s parents and Peter both explain why the Jewish stores are being closed. The next day, Ellen’s family had to leave. They leave Ellen with the Annemarie’s family, to try to keep her safe. At nightfall, German soldiers came to the apartment demanding that Annemarie’s dad tell them where his Jewish friends are. He wont tell them, so they search the apartment. Ellen pretends to be one of the Annemarie’s sisters, but her dark hair makes the Nazis suspicious. Then, Mr. Johansen is able to show them a baby picture of Lise with dark hair, which convinces the soldiers. Lise was Annemarie’s sister, who died a few years ago.

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The next day, Annemarie’s mother takes the three girls to her their Uncle’s home in Gilleleje, Denmark, where Uncle Henrik works as a fisherman. Then, Uncle Henrik announces that their Great Aunt Brite has died. Annemarie is confused because she has no Aunt Brit, and no one will tell her what is going on. The service was to be held that evening. Later, Uncle Henrik tells Annemarie that not knowing too much is better in some cases. That night the coffin came, and they gathered around it. Many people came, and they all were silent. Soon, Peter came with Ellen’s family, who are reunited with Ellen. Nazis, attracted by the lights (there was a curfew), came to the house. They want the coffin to be opened, but they cannot open it, since it is empty. Annemarie’s mother thinks quickly and says that her aunt died of highly contagious typhus. Then, the soldiers leave.

Uncle Henrik takes the first group of people down to his boat, and Annemarie’s mother comes with the Ellen’s family. When her mother does not appear, Annemarie gets worried, and she discovers that her mother has broken her ankle. Because of this, Annemarie had to take an important package to her Uncle, before he and the rest can leave. On the way to the boat, soldiers with dogs stop her. They search her basket, and then discover the package. But when they rip it open, its only a handkerchief, and they let her go. Then, Annemarie makes it to the boat in time, and everything was fine.

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That evening, Henrik comes back safe at home having dinner with Annemarie, Kirsti, and Annemarie’s mother, whose ankle has been taken care of by the local doctor. After dinner Uncle Henrik explains that he hid his passengers in the bottom of the boat, and the handkerchief was needed because it kept the German dogs from smelling the people. Uncle Henrik. Then, Annemarie goes back home, and finds out that Lise, her sister, was killed by the Germans, and not by an accident. Then, she vows that she will see Ellen again.