Sugar Free Holiday Punch – Safe for Diabetics

I wanted to be able to make some kind of punch this year for my guests at Thanksgiving. The trouble is most of them are diabetic, so a traditional punch is out of the question. I got an idea the other day for a sugar free punch, and when I made a batch to try it out, it actually tasted quite good. I used my grandmother’s holiday punch recipe as my inspiration. I knew I could not duplicate her recipe exactly and keep it sugar free, but I tried to keep the elements similar which were of course the fruit punch flavor, the sparkly soda flavor, and the citrusy or fruity flavor. I thought I would share my creation with all of you. I will also share my Grandmothers original version, I am sure that you have seen similar versions to hers before.

Grandma’s Original Holiday Punch Recipe

2 Cans of Hi-C Fruit Punch
1 2 liter bottle of Sprite
1 can of pineapple juice (46 oz)
1 pint of sherbet multi flavored

Mix all of the liquid ingredients together and add the sherbet as soon as guests arrive. Don’t add the sherbet to far ahead of time or you will not get the fancy effect foamy effect.

My Sugar Free Version of Grandma’s Holiday Punch
2 packages of Wyler’s Sugar Free Punch mix
1 gallon of water
1 2 liter bottle of Diet Squirt or Diet 7-UP or Diet Sprite (I used the Squirt it has a lot of tangy flavor)
5 Cans of Diet Rite Tangerine Soda, you could also use 5 cans of diet orange soda, or 3/4 of a 2 liter bottle (Note: if you can find a sugar-free pineapple soda by all means use that).

See also  Five Uses for Orange Soda

Mix the drink mix with the water. Add to punch bowl and add the rest of the ingredients.

Note: The Wyler’s Sugar Free Fruit Punch can be found near the Crystal Light at the grocery store. It comes in a similar looking can there are six packages in a can, so one can will allow you to make 3 batches of the punch or you can just save the rest for another use. Some stores also have their own sugar free brand of Fruit Punch mix, which should also be by the Crystal Light. As far as I know Crystal Lite does not make a fruit punch flavor, I could be wrong but I have yet to see it.

Note: I was also not able to find a sugar free sherbet but if you are able to find some it would be wonderful to add it to this punch. If you can not you can embellish the punch with ice cubes made with different flavors of ice cubes made with Crystal Light or another sugar free drink mix. If you can find a tangerine flavor that would be really pretty.