“Stupid Cancer Happy Hour” at Just Jakes in Montclair, New Jersey

Cancer affects many, many people and the group known as “I’m Too Young for This,” wants to talk about it. According to a Facebook invite, this November 24th from 4-7PM when many of us will be realizing and taking it easy from all the Turkey ingested and all the leftovers to come host Rachel Cappio, will be talking about it straight out as she tackles many of the bigger deals in cancer survivorship at Just Jakes! 30 Park Street in Montclair, NJ.

Billed as a “Stupid Cancer Happy Hour in NJ!” the discussion is very real and this will be a very real event for man people who are stricken with cancer at any age. If you are over the age of 18 and are yourself a cancer survivor, have a friend, family member who has dealt with cancer, or if you jut want a place to go to escape your crazy old uncle and all the football in the room, then you should consider making the trip out to Montclair this Saturday afternoon.

This is a fundraiser put together by a group that is trying to add a support group to the ever growing number of people who are affected by cancer in their young lives. According to the “I’m Too Young for This!” website that number is 1 in 10 cancer survivors is under the age of 40. That’s pretty wild stuff considering how so many of us live for so long without things like health insurance, checking up on our own selves, and all the rest.

I’m Too Young for This! Tries to link people who have the disease with all the many excellent support services, retreats, online forums, blogs, social networking, camping excursions, educational clinics, counseling, scholarships, financial aid, and things like this event which is taking over Just Jakes in Montclair on November 24th.

See also  Top 10 Ways to Encourage a Cancer Patient

There is a suggested cover charge for this event but there will also be two bands playing live music, plenty of food, drink, laughter, and tears as people of all ages, but especially younger folks are able to unite behind a movement and share the revelatory wonder of compassion and human understanding. We are only on this earth for so long and tragically too many of our young lives are affected and cut short by the ravages of cancer; if you fall within that realm, know someone who has, or if you would just like to be around some amazing people with some amazing stories, Just Jakes in Montclair, NJ on November 24th from 4-7PM is one place you can go.
