Stuffy Nose Remedies

Nobody likes having their nose stuffed up. Your nose stuffed up isn’t fun, it’s not pleasent, and sure isn’t somethign anyone wants or asks for. How does one get rid of it? How does one make it go away once it’s there. That’s the question, and these aqre a few rememdies that just might help.

The one and only Vap O’ Rub

Vap O Rub youy ask? The stuff my mom use to put on my chest, you ask? Yep, that’s right. The very stuff you remember hating as a kid will help you as an adult. If you got the stuffed up nose because of your kid, lather them up too. Apply a large amount all over your chest and neck. in reality, it will help with every type of stuffed sinuses. If you are suffering from a sinuses headache, a sinuses cold, or anything related to your sinuses, this si the method that will work. In fact, it will even cure ear aches that are caused by being stuffed up. A few minutes after application, the snot will start running and you are free from sounding like an operator.

Shroud and Facial

Did you know you can get a facial while plugging your nose? It’s true. Take a towel and put it over your head. Place a bowl of boiling hot water and vinegar on a table, and lower your head over the bowl. This very well burn your eyes, so try to keep them shut. There’s nothing you need to see under the towel anyway. Make sure that there is no way for the vapors to escape. Then breathe deeply through your nose. The longer you stay under your shoroud the better.

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Hot water up to nose

There is an actual product you can get to do this. It shows a man pouring water into his nose, as if you had to buy that product to get the same result. Go and get all of the products that are in that box: a toy tea pot and some salt. I don’t personally recommend the salt, but if you can handle the pain, more power to you. The salt will help you unclog that nose faster, but it will hurt. So you fill up the pot with water as hot as you can stand, tilt your head over a sink, and place the spout of the tea pot at one nostril. Then pour it into your nostril, letting whatever excess drain out into the sink. Repeat this process on the other side of your nose. Continue doing this till your nose starts to loosen up.

A wire tie

You know those ties you get for garbage bags? Those are heaven for nasal decongestion. Just rip the paper off the wire, and carefully stick it up your nose. As you tickle those little hairs up there, it will cause your sinuses to react. As your sinuses react, your nose will begin to run. the more you tickle, the more liquid comes out. Finally, you will sneeze and all the excess liquid that has been changing your voice will flow out.