Stop Wasting Money on Expensive Colon Cleansing Products: Try Natural Colon Cleansing

The American diet takes a toll on the natural digestive system. Toxins build up in the colon. These toxins leach back into other systems to cause disease and damage. Natural colon cleansing removes toxins from the digestive system.

Colon cleansing has become a money making proposition for several companies.

Cleansing the colon through proper natural diet can fight and prevent disease. It’s completely unnecessary to buy expensive products to cleanse the colon. Maintain a healthy colon through daily natural maintenance.

Eat natural foods.

Natural foods are high in fiber and antioxidants. Eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and beans. Fiber moves waste through the digestive system quickly. Colon cleansing through a healthy, natural diet will keep toxins from building up.

Ditch the sugary drinks.

Sugar is natural food for yeast. Yeast can build up in the system and cause or worsen preexisting conditions. Gas and bloating are symptoms of natural yeast over production. This toxin can do much greater damage if left unchecked. Try drinking water or green tea instead.

Drink water

Water is the original natural colon cleaning drink. We are not 99% Kool-Aid. Water lubricates all the bodily systems. It clears toxins by gently flushing them away. Be sure to drink plenty of water for a natural daily colon cleansing.

Green tea

Those who can’t stand the idea of drinking 8 glasses of water a day might consider alternating with another natural colon cleanser. Like fruits and vegetables, green tea is high in antioxidants and water content. Make it yourself at home to insure no sugars are added.

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Adding pure fresh squeezed citrus juice to water or green tea will increase natural colon cleansing power. I find that lemon works best for me. A couple spoonfuls for every 8 ounces of liquid is plenty. To make things easier, shake up a sliced lemon and water or green tea in an empty plastic milk jug. This is your colon cleansing drink for an entire day.

A word about meat

Some say the average American has several pounds of undigested meat sitting in their colon. It’s hard to say if this is true. Meat is very slow to digest. Perhaps it’s sitting there because the average American forgets to consume plenty of natural fruits, vegetables and plenty of water along with the meat. Natural colon cleansing will aid in faster digestion of slower digesting foods.

Colon cleansing takes time.

When beginning a colon cleansing natural diet, it may take several weeks to eliminate built up waste and toxins. During this adjustment period, which should take about a week or two, elimination may seem excessive. Once the body is accustomed to natural daily colon cleansing and a proper diet this should subside.

Please note:

The author is not a licensed medical professional. This article is not intended to replace professional medical advice.


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Healthy Eating

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