Stop the Problem Before it is Started, Tips on Preventing Face Blemishes

Blemishes occur as a result of acne scaring and prolonged breakouts. In order to maintain a blemish free complexion there are a few suggestions to apply to your everyday beauty regimen to prevent blemishes. While some people are prone to skin problems that easily causes blemishes, while others have to work hard to maintain an even skin tone. There a couple of rules to remember to keep an even skin tone and fade blemishes.

The first thing to remember is that if you already have dark spots on your face as a result of acne it will take months before you see results. The miracle pills, creams, and potions will not zap away blemishes instantly. Here are some ways to help get rid of and prevent facial blemishes.

1. Keep your fingers away from your face. The number one cause of blemishes is that people tend to constantly pick at their skin popping pimples with dirty hands and fingernails. It is hard enough on the skin to keep tugging and irritating skin cells, than to add dirty hands to it. There is a proper way to pop pimples if it necessary. If they are not white and puss-like, they should be left alone. Popping a pimple before its maturity will add to scarring and blemishes once completed. If the pimple is ready, use cotton balls, this prevents finger to skin contact.

2. If you already have a blemish problem that is a result of an acne breakout or scarring, cocoa butter is extremely helpful fade away spots. Cocoa butter can be oily, and sometimes have an adverse affect creating more acne. But if it is used properly, over time the spots will gradually fade. Remember to be realistic and not expect overnight success, with patience you can results after just two months. Another important thing to remember when using cocoa butter is that you have to use it daily. The minute you stop using a cocoa butter product, it will stop working. If you continue to use it, it will continue to fade away dark spots. Depending on your preference cocoa butter is offered as a cream, a cocoa butter stick, or the natural product by itself.

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3. Keep blemishes protected from the sun. The suns rays have the ability to impose harsh treatment to blemishes. While trying to fade dark spots or blemishes use an spf high enough to prevent the affected area from getting darker. Not only does sunscreen protect you from worsening blemishes, but it diminishes sun spots and age spots due to excessive amounts of sun exposure with no protection.

4. Dirt, makeup, and oil can get trapped under the skin making it blotchy. Doing deep facial cleanses and moisturizing can alleviate patches of uneven skin tone as a result of build up underneath the skin’s surface. Makeup products should be removed daily to prevent the oils from creating more acne and other skin problems.
5. If you are aware that you are prone to blemishes, put on a blemish control product before and after you apply a moisturizer and make up products to your face. For every face moisturizing and cleansing product on the market, most companies offer a blemish control product to use in combination with their other products.

Removing blemishes takes time and patience. The only way to truly deal with the problem is to prevent them. With a proper skin care regimen you can prevent blemishes from initially occurring.