Steps and Tips for Redecorating Your Teenager’s Bedroom

When it is time to help your teen redecorate their bedroom you may find that it is not the easiest process in the world. You may want to create a space that can grow with your child, but they may want the latest trends. Decorating a teenager’s bedroom that can grow with your child during this transitional period in their life can be accomplished though! Don’t let your options overwhelm you. Make a few key decisions together with your teenager and you will lay the building blocks to a teenagers dream bedroom that can last your child until they leave for college. Here are steps and resources for working with worth your teenager to redecorate their bedroom.

1. Choose a paint Color

One of the first steps in redecorating nay room, including your teenager’s room, is to Choose a paint Color. Paint is one of the least expensive décor elements in any room. You can buy a gallon of paint for under $20 and it will last for years. Let you teenager put their influence in on this aspect of their bedroom décor. Once they leave for college or even if they change their mind a year down the road you can easily repaint for little money. Starting off makeover on a positive note with your teenager is a great way to encourage a positive working experience.

Web sites like www.artisticsensations and offer up great paint inspirations for a teen bedroom décor to help get you and your teenager started. You can incorporate faux paint treatments, contemporary colors, and fun designs simply using paint.

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2. Furniture

As your child grows you may find that they need new furniture. You have quite a few options in this aspect of your teen’s bedroom. You can invest in furniture that will last a lifetime or purchase trendy pieces that reflect a sign of the times. Ultimately since you will be the one shelling out the money, you may want to help influence this aspect of your teenager’s bedroom. Quality furniture can be passed down from generation to generation and your teenager can even take it with them when they move out. Trendy teenage furniture may cost less money and could possibly be passed onto a younger sibling once your current teenager has left for college.

CB2 (Crate and Barrel 2) is a great source for fun and trendy furniture that is perfect for teenagers. They are slightly less expensive then their mother store Crate and Barrel. You can visit them online at I have a feeling your teenager will love their bedroom furniture.

3. Storage

Storage is a major aspect in any teen bedroom. Teenagers amass quite a lot of things during their high school years and they will need places to display, store, and organize them. Incorporating adequate storage into a teen bedroom will insure that your teenager has all the necessary elements they can use to keep organized and have a clean room. Storage is also a great opportunity to add some design flare to your teen bedroom. Invest in fun storage pieces that will allow your teen to display all of their accomplishments. Fun shelving and colorful corkboards will get those ribbons and trophies off the floor and out of the closet.

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Inexpensive storage that incorporates easily into teen bedroom decor is widely available through stores like Ikea, Wal-Mart, and Target. This may be the point in time in your teen bedroom that you can introduce great trendy colors and funky fun design. Your teenager can take their storage items with them to their dorm room or their first apartment.

4. Accessories

Finally, accessories are the icing on the cake in your teen bedroom. Whether you have gone a more traditional route with furniture or not, accessories are another great time for your teenager’s personality to shine while decorating their bedroom. Finish off this redecorating project on a positive note and let them make some more decisions. There are so many fun inexpensive accessory options out there that you should let them lose to find their own style.

Some great sources for inexpensive accessories that appeal to teens would be,,, and These web sites have entire accessory departments geared specifically for teen décor. Accessories range form as little as $10 to the $100’s.

You can shop locally in your area as well. You may be surprised to find the great accessories options many of your local stores have that will easily fit into design theme.

