Starting a Sidewalk Sunday School

If you are thinking about starting a Sidewalk Sunday School than I encourage you to go for it! Nothing in ministry warmed my heart more than working with unchurched children. Eager for love and hungry to know God, the unchurched children of the world are waiting! You have the desire but aren’t sure what to do? Here’s what you should know before starting a Sidewalk Sunday School.

I have worked in Christian children’s ministry for almost ten years. Much of that time was spent in the fields of drug infested ganglands of the inner city. In just a few weeks in those areas, we would return to church in buses with excited children and parents. Sidewalk Sunday School is an honorable undertaking but it requires a commitment.

Sidewalk Sunday School is a children’s outreach ministry. It doesn’t occur in the church building but out in neighborhoods and communities where there is no church presence. This ministry usually starts on Fridays with the distributions of flyers and the announcement of the event for the following day. Saturdays are the day of the event. Return on Sundays to bring children to church. Sidewalk Sunday School is fast paced, Christ-based fun for kids. Workers build relationships with children while being living examples of the gospel of Jesus.

Here are some things you need to know before starting your Sidewalk Sunday School.

A Church Covering

Sidewalk Sunday School is a major undertaking. Not only will you be ministering to children but often to mothers and grandparents. You’ll need the support of a strong church staff to help you reach all the hands and hearts that will reach be reaching out to you. A church covering will keep you spiritually grounded and help you watch for pitfalls or problems that could occur in your ministry. Accountability is important. Be faithful to your church. Believe me you want your pastor’s support! Especially as your heart becomes more and more intertwined with the people you will be ministering to. The Sidewalk Sunday School Leader often becomes a ‘pastor’ to the people he or she ministers to. You’ll need a shoulder to cry on and boot to kick you when you need it. Again, accountability is key!

See also  Sunday School Teacher Appreciation

Consistency Required

Don’t plan on having any success with Sidewalk Sunday School if you are not willing to be consistent. You have to be in the neighborhood every week. At the same time on the same day. Come rain or shine. Kids have to be able to depend on you or they will never trust you.

You Are A Stranger, In A Strange Land

It’s one thing to walk with no fear and quite another to walk like you own the place. Remember you are a guest, and an uninvited one too. Respect the people without looking down at them or acting superior to them. Treat everyone with love and be humble in your walk before them.

Reality Check

Drop the religious, churchy words. People don’t know about ‘conviction’ or ‘baptized’. Just be real. Talk to them like real people and present a real, relevant Jesus to them. Take nothing for granted when it comes to sharing the gospel. Simplicity is best!

Get Your Head Out of the Sand

While working Sidewalk Sunday School you’ll be asked questions you may not be prepared for. Or maybe not just asked but confronted with actual occurrences. Young kids are having sex, using drugs and committing crimes. Teach about what Jesus says about those things. And most importantly love on kids. Love will cover everything, even things you don’t know. You don’t have to have all the answers to the tough questions, but you do have to love them through it!

For more information about starting your own Sidewalk Sunday School visit the Sidewalk website here.