St. Louis, Missouri, Media Aids Actors in Job Hunt: Where to Find Casting Calls in the City

Trying to find casting calls in St. Louis can be one of the most frustrating searches you may ever do. This is mainly because you will find tons of casting calls for Chicago, and even Kansas City, but in St. Louis, it seems that there is a lack of acting opportunities. However, you are completely mistaken. St. Louis is quickly becoming a film-acting and theater community, and whenever this happens, you will soon be finding work. But where can you find St. Louis casting calls? Well, in this article, I will explain several resources you can use in order to find film, television, theater casting calls in St. Louis, Missouri.

The first place, and my personal favorite, to find casting calls in St. Louis is at STL Auditions ( This website is where all of St. Louis production companies, both for film and theater, come to post their casting calls. This easy to navigate website shows you the latest casting calls first and you can scroll down to find various other castings. You can’t search for specific type of casting calls; however, this has never proved to be a problem. If you’re like me, than you enjoy reading about all that’s going on in the arts community, and reading various casting calls allows you the opportunity to see the art scene in your city start to develop. All of their casting calls are legit, so you won’t have to worry about being scammed. You will even find casting calls for major playhouses in the area – so get ready to earn your equity points!

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Another great resource for St. Louis actors is the St. Louis Craigslist ( It is here that you will find a WIDE variety of various casting calls. A lot of these will include promotional work, which is great for some extra money between big castings, as well as various modeling opportunities. However, please execute caution when using craigslist. Unlike, these audition notices aren’t “screened,” they are just posted. It is pretty easy to spot a suspicious casting call, especially if you aren’t a new actor, however, always listen to your “gut-feeling” and if you have a sketchy vibe from a casting notice, just pass that one by and keep looking.

And, the last place that you can find various casting calls is in the River Front Times. I have seen several casting calls that have been placed in this community newspaper, all of which were, for the most part, legit. However, just like on the craigslist, make sure you use caution – and never respond to an agency casting call through the newspaper, especially if they are asking for money after you get there. This is nothing but bad news, and you should run away swiftly!

I hope that you have a better understanding of where to find casting calls in St. Louis. Just because you don’t live in a huge city like Los Angeles, New York or Chicago, doesn’t mean that your acting career has to suffer. Use these resources, along with others, and begin to build your acting resume! Remember, experience is the best way to train yourself as an actor.