SmartLipo Works, but Expect Swelling & Bruising

One of the newer trends for fat removal is that of a procedure known as Smart Lipo. Smart Lipo is some what similar to actual liposuction, where fat is removed from specific body parts by a physician. However, that is where the similarities basically end. Unlike liposuction, Smart Lipo is done using a laser and is much less invasive than the traditional liposuction. While only semi- permanent (weight gain can cause the fat to return) the procedure is mostly used to treat body fat that is more resistant to traditional diet and exercise. Some of the more popular areas are chin, belly, buttocks, inner and outer thighs, male breasts and upper arm.

Smart Lipo, which was approved by the FDA in the fall of 2006, has been available and popular in Europe and South America for a number of years. The recovery time is considered to be much less than liposuction and many patients are able to return to work within a day or two.

The appeal does sound tempting but it is important to note that this shouldn’t be considered just for routine cosmetic upkeep.*Christina, a New York resident, was very pleased with her results but does caution that people don’t go running in to try the procedure.

“I had the procedure done on my chin, because no matter what I did that part of me would never decrease in size. I could gain or lose 20 or 30 lbs and my double chin would always stay the same. I was definitely anxious since the laser would be used on my face but I trusted my dermatologist. I also spoke to another woman who also had the procedure done on her face. She encouraged me to really consider if it was worth the risk and money. Her results were really great so I may have thought it over a bit less than I should have, but I was lucky that the procedure didn’t have any major problems.”

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“I had the Smart Lipo done in my dermatologist’s office and although it was only under local anesthetic I wouldn’t say it was something I would do again. My doctor told me that I would be able to return to work by the next day. Now, that was true I technically could, but the swelling and bruising was so severe I really was not going to show up to work with my chin looking like it was sprayed with blue paint.”

Bruising and swelling are common for those who receive the procedure although it is considered to be much less severe than for typical liposuction. Christina does agree that the bruising did decrease within a few days and that she was able to alleviate the tenderness with Tylenol. The average cost is around $4000 and is not covered by insurance companies. The cost depends on the area the treatment is done on, as well as how many sessions are needed. Larger areas can end up needing 3+ sessions, over a period of a few months.

“I did notice that the area was smaller in size after a few days but I don’t think I really could appreciate the difference for another month. I don’t think I would ever do any other part of my body because it does cost a lot of money and the results aren’t completely permanent. But, for problem spots that just won’t go away I think it could be beneficial as long as the person really believes that the area cannot respond to more traditional resources. My biggest recommendation is that you find a dermatologist that you trust, talk to some of their former patients and MOST OF ALL not take the procedure too lightly. There can be complications and the recovery time really can vary for different people.”