Skin Product Review: DDF Salicylic Wash for Acne-Prone Skin

Having clear beautiful skin is practically everyone’s goal. Both women and men want to achieve clear skin, but sometimes it can be difficult to do. One of the ways to achieve clear skin is by using a cleanser, but finding the right cleanser can be hard and lead to a headache. Finding the right cleanser takes a few steps and there are important things you should know about finding the perfect cleanser. Firstly, a good cleanser should clean your face completely. It shouldn’t leave any dirt behind for your toner to pick up. Next, a good cleanser or face wash should be able to remove heavily applied makeup and leave your skin makeup free. Finally, a good cleanser should not dry out your skin whatsoever. The right face wash should leave your skin feeling clean, but not sucked of moisture. Because of these things, finding the perfect cleanser should be made easier, but not a cakewalk. However, I think this review will help!

I’ll be the first to admit I have skin problems. I have acne-prone skin that is also combination skin. I break out during that time of the month around my chin and cheeks. My skin is also very oily around my T-Zone (my forehead and nose). My skin is however very dry around my chin and cheeks. Because of this, it’s often hard for me to find the right cleanser. Sometimes cleansers will dry out my skin or leave my skin much too hydrated, which leaves me with either a dry or greasy feeling on my face.

One brand I’ve tried before is DDF. I love DDF because they have a wide variety of different skin care products and have different lines of products depending on what your skin issue is. They have a special line for aging skin, acne-prone skin, and even skin that suffers from hyperpigmentation. Immediately while browsing the DDF website, I came across the DDF Salicylic Wash in an 8.5 fl. oz. bottle. The DDF Salicylic Wash claims a lot. According to the website, it says it “actively works to regulate excess oil production, to help prevent and control blemishes and congested pores.” It sounded exactly like what I was looking for too. I decided to purchase the bottle from the DDF website for $35, plus shipping.

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When I received the DDF Salicylic Wash, I used it that night. I still had makeup on my skin and my face was starting to feel oily. In order to use, you simply wet you face and apply a small amount to your hands. You apply the product to your skin my massaging gently over your entire face, avoiding your eyes and eye area. After that, I let it sit on my skin for a minute and a half before washing off so that the salicylic acid could activate on my skin, but I don’t suggest this to people with dry or sensitive skin. Finally, I rinsed off the product with warm water and patted my skin dry with a dry wash cloth. I followed with a toner and moisturizer too.

Upon using the product, I noticed my skin felt oil-free and even a little moisturized and toned. When I looked in the mirror, I could see my skin was clear and even glowing a little bit too. My acne also looked less red and swollen, even after just using the DDF Salicylic Wash once! After four weeks of use, I noticed my acne was completely down. I only had a few small, deep blemishes on my face. My skin was also softer and smoother in general and my acne rarely showed up.

Overall, I would rate DDF Salicylic Wash a 5/5. It’s a great face wash and cleanser and it definitely does everything it claims. It brings down swelling and redness of acne and it helps keep acne at bay. The price is also very good. It took me about 3-4 months to use the whole bottle! Talk about a bargain! I would definitely recommend this product to anyone suffering from bad acne.