Skin Care Mistakes that Cause Pimples

It doesn’t matter how old you are. Nobody actually likes getting pimples. And while there are much worse things in life than a few blemishes, there are times when clear skin is important, such as weddings and job interviews. Did you know that when it comes to pimples, you may be your own worst enemy? Here are the top skin mistakes that may be causing you pimples.

Touching your face. Picture yourself at the gym…. After using the elliptical for a half hour, you reach up and wipe the sweat away from your face. You unknowingly just transferred any bacteria from the gym equipment right into your open pores. Gross? Yes! How about this one…. You answer the office phone and cradle it between your shoulder and your cheek so you have your hands free to write. Public phones have more bacteria than a toilet seat, and now it’s on your face. It’s no wonder we get pimples if we are constantly touching our faces. It’s a hard habit to break, but make sure you never touch your face without washing your hands. You should see a decrease in pimples if you stick to it religiously.

Sleeping with your makeup on. Our bodies and our skin function differently while we sleep. Our skin needs to breathe, so make sure you wash off your makeup and all the dirt and germs from the day before going to bed.

Not cleansing twice a day. We need to wash off the obvious dirt at night, but in the morning we also need to wash away dead skin cells and dust mites from our faces. Doing so will help promote healthy skin.

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Getting hairspray and other hair products on your skin. Hair products are meant for hair, not your skin. They clog pores and cause pimples, so be careful when applying.

Sleeping on a dirty pillowcase. Wash your pillowcase in hot water twice a week to help control allergies and breakouts. Dirty pillowcases, even if they don’t appear soiled, can contribute to big blemishes.

Washing your face with a dirty washcloth. Change your washcloth at least twice a week to make sure it is mildew free. Otherwise, you may be unknowingly giving yourself zits.

Not washing with a washcloth. You need a wash cloth to really get your face clean. Gentle scrubbing with a clean washcloth will help exfoliate and keep those pores clean.

Not rinsing well. Not rinsing away all the cleanser is a prescription for pimples. Use warm water for the best results.

Washing with soap. Washing your face with soap can be over-drying. Sometimes our skin over compensates with excessive oil production, which blocks pores and causes blemishes. Use a cleanser meant for your skin type, instead.

Using old or dirty makeup. Makeup begins to break down over time, so always stick to the expiration date. Oil and dirt from our hands can get into the makeup (especially a tub) creating a breeding ground for acne causing bacteria. Replace your makeup frequently, and use bottles with pump dispensers.

If your acne is very painful or upsetting, be sure to see a dermatologist for extra help. For an occasional blemish, spot treat with an over the counter acne cream. For best results, wash your face twice a day, and don’t touch. Your beautiful skin will be worth the effort.

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