Simple Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Found

New research published in the leading medical journal The Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndromeis reporting the finding of appropriate treatments for two poorly understood diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and fibromyalgia (FM). The new treatment is very simple and implies the dosification of a known antiinfammotory drug, cortisol.

According to results shown on this new study, the simple treatment implies cortisol doses of 5 to 15mg a day. This level of cortisol has been proved to be free of adverse effects and are potentially beneficial for both Chronic fatigue syndrome and FM patients.

What are Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Fibromyalgia (FM)?
CFS is a complex and poorly understood disease. It is actually a syndrome since the cause or causes that produces it are not known. The main characteristic of CFS is the fatigue that the patient feels. This fatigue is not improved by bed rest and worsens with physical and mental activity. Additionally, patients with CFS report having one or more of the following: insomnia, muscle pain, weakness, impaired mental concentration, and many others. Cause or causes for CFS have not been identified so far and no treatment is available.

Fibromyalgia is also a poorly understood chronic condition (syndrome) characterized by generalized muscular pain and fatigue. FM patients report having pain in the muscles, ligaments and tendons. Also, they say having trouble with their sleep and quality of life. As with CFS, the cause or causes for FM have not been identified so far and no treatment is available.

According to the experts from the CDC more than 1 million Americans suffer from CFS and around 2 % of the U.S. population is affected by FM. Unfortunately, for CFS and FM there are no known causes and there are not known confirmed safe treatment options. Only palliative treatments are available to alleviate symptoms for both diseases. So it is always good news to find out about new simplified procedures to treat these poorly understood diseases or syndromes.

See also  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome- When You Are Always Tired

The new and simplified treatment procedure described in this new study could represent an advance in finding new treatment option for this two poorly understood chronic conditions. The leading author of the study, Dr. Kent Holtorf, (Holtorf Medical Center for Endocrine, Neurological and Infection Related Illness, CA), truly believe (from what he writes on the research paper) that this new simplified treatment may help alleviate CFS and FM symptoms.

The new research involved more than 500 patients that participated in his study. It was a simple observational study in which participants (with CFS and FM) received doses of cortisol as part of their new simplified treatment procedure.

The results of the study are very important in supporting the idea that by simply giving cortisol to CFS and FM patients they could improve overall health condition and quality of life. The study found that 94 percent of the patients had an improvement in their condition by the fourth visit to the clinic. Overall, the study showed that people receiving cortisol had a better general sense of well-being.
