Simple Fall Suppers – Family Style

Life can get hectic during the fall season. Everyone is back from vacation, the kids are in school, after school meetings and activities resume, and the weekends consist of playing catch-up on chores, errands and shopping. Yet we still desire to feed ourselves and our families well, and it’s important to take a little time to spend together in the evenings around the dinner table. Here are a few ideas for some simple fall suppers, family style.

Most people are starving by the time they get home from work and school. Yet dinner still has to be made, the table set, and a million other things must be done before supper is ready. Have your kids and spouse help by setting the table, setting out a plate of small snacks such as whole grain crackers and cheese, olives, fruit and/or veggie sticks. They could also sprinkle grated lowfat cheese on whole grain tortillas, add salsa, and heat in the microwave until warm. Then slice them into small bite-sized pieces for a quick kid-friendly appetizer.

One of the simplest, most delicious quick meals my mother used to make was chili-mac. It’s quite simple to make a healthy version that any kid will like. Cook up a pot of whole wheat or your favorite pasta elbows or shells. Sautee finely chopped onions and garlic until translucent. Crumble in lean ground meat and cook until browned. Add salt, pepper, Italian seasoning and a splash of red wine or balsamic vinegar. Stir in the drained pasta and then add a large can of crushed tomatoes and another can of diced tomatoes. You could also stir in marinara sauce or tomatoes with spicy peppers instead. Stir and let it cook for a few minutes and serve it in bowls, topped with some grated lowfat cheddar or jack, and with a side salad. If you want to try different variations, use some different spices, such as chili powder and cumin, or Cajun seasoning.

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Make a French bread pizza. You can get whole wheat or multi grain bread from the grocery store bakery, or buy it frozen and keep in the freezer for convenience. Tear out some of the inside bread to make room for the toppings. Use a jarred marinara for the sauce and your family’s favorite cheese and toppings. Have each child choose at least one vegetable, such as tomatoes, olives, mushrooms, or whatever else they like. It only takes about 15 minutes to bake. While you wait you can assemble sliced tomatoes and cucumbers and dress them with salt, pepper some red wine vinegar and a drizzle of EV olive oil for a quick, tasty salad.

For a quick fall dessert have the kids help slice pears and apples into an oiled baking pan. Sprinkle with lemon juice. In another bowl mix equal parts brown sugar, oatmeal, and flour with a little cinnamon and enough butter to make the mix crumbly. Sprinkle over the fruit and bake at 350 until golden brown and bubbly, about 30-45 minutes.

Fall suppers can be simple and wholesome without too much effort. As long as the whole family gets involved in the process, it can be a fun way to spend some time together and create not just a delicious meal, but lasting memories.