Silver Dollar Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is a fast growing plant that can reach heights of 60 feet . It is an evergreen with oval shaped leaves of two to three inches in diameter. There are flower clusters in the summer and the plant needs to be fertilized monthly before and during flowering season with higher levels of phosphorus. The plant will do well in part to full sun, but dislikes heavy wet soil, so make sure the soil drains well.

My tree

Some growers thinks Eucalyptus needs to be planted away from other plants as it has a menthol smell, but I planted a Rosemary right next to it and both grew like crazy, until we topped the Eucalyptus at 15 feet . Then the Rosemary died! Also my tree sprawled across the area instead of growing straight up. It took almost a year before the Eucalyptus started putting out shoots upward again… after I bought another small four inch pot of Rosemary and placed it in the front yard within sight and smell of the Eucalyptus. However, this Rosemary will not be planted as close to the tree as the other one as both need room to grow. I don’t know. It is a puzzle to me too!


Herbs high in “essential” oils such as the Eucalyptus should be picked in the morning after the dew dries, during the hottest part of the year, but before the appearance of flowers in the early summer. Wait until the tree has sufficient growth before harvesting.

Sometimes I just pick a few leaves here and there and sometimes I will prune the tree by taking several limbs. I then lay the leaves or branches where they will cure in a dry protected environment with good air circulation. I do not dry my leaves in the sun as it will change the color of the leaves. They will have a strong menthol smell so you may not want them inside your house. After drying for about several days depending on the weather, I package the dried leaves in a jar or plastic bag and store out of the light. If I want to use the branches in a flower arrangement, I can just put them into a protective box or go head and use them.

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Preparing Eucalyptus for use

There are several ways you can use Eucalyptus as medicine but you need to remember that eucalyptus is poisonous if eaten. You can use the eucalyptus for aromatherapy, which is the best way to use this plant or you can use it for the essential oils in the leaves.

Essential oils are extracted several ways, none of which are easy to do at home. A steam distiller is the best way to extract essential oils. Most people that use essential oils purchase the oil already pressed. However, you can crush the leaves of most plants and let them soak in a cup or two of oil (such as olive or vegetable oil) in a sunny window or in a warm place for a few days and then strain out the leaves. Label the jar before you start, although with the smell it would be hard to mistake Eucalyptus for anything else! Just understand this is not the best way to use a plant with essential oils.

Using Eucalyptus – NEVER ingest Eucalyptus as it is poisonous.

You can use Eucalyptus as

1. Flea, fly, ant, cockroach repellent ‘” put a few drops of the essential oils in a spray bottle of water and spray around where they would come into the house, such as around the windows and doors

2. Healing bath ‘” only few drops in bath water will help when you have a cold or the flu. Breathing in the aroma will help your chest congestion and the oils will help the aching body.

See also  Eucalyptus Oil - a Natural Pain Reliever and Anti-Inflammatory

3. Salves can be made by mixing a few drops of essential oil into a clear un-medication petroleum jelly. This can be used as an antiseptic or a decongestant. Warm the petroleum jelly on low heat until almost liquid before mixing. Do not overheat. Cap tightly to preserve the properties.

4. When I am congested, I prefer to just get a few leaves and crush them in a small jar and gently breathe in the aroma for a couple of minutes, capping after each use Back when we all used to have the old gas heaters, my mother would sit a small can on top of the heater with some water and mixed herbs to “smell” up the room. Years later I would do the same thing for my children who would prefer me to put the can near the fireplace so they could curl up on the floor in blankets or handmade quilts and sleep in front of the fire.

Just to make sure not to leave any stone unturned, I researched in the Bible for Eucalyptus, but did not find that specific herb, but there is mention of herbs used in the bible for healing purposes. Some included those brought by the wise men to Mary when Baby Jesus was born.

And to make sure I am fair, in the Witches Herbal guides, I found that they too knew the magical uses for Eucalyptus. It was used in healing rituals, charms and amulets. They suggested placing the leaves around a blue candle and burning for healing energies and the green pods worn around the neck eases the discomfort of colds, sore throats and congestion. They knew that you had to release the essential oils and breathe them in for congestion.

See also  Eucalyptus: A Tree That's Messy, Hard to Get Rid Of, and Flammable

As with any other foods or herbs, you need to read and study on how to use it before actually using it. Herbs are wonderful. By researching each herb in your garden you will have the knowledge of over two thousand years of use to help you learn to use each herb properly.

Just something to think about…