Silk Chocolate Soymilk: A Review for Those Who Ask “What Does Soymilk Taste Like?”

I recently became a vegetarian. Along with that, I am trying to eat more organic and health foods. Although I am not going vegan and still eat and drink dairy products, I decided that turning to soymilk could be healthier for me in many ways.

First of all, I have high cholesterol (one of the main reasons I went vegetarian) and figured soymilk would be better for my heart. Second, since I am not eating meat having anything soy will help me get the protein I need. So, the ads I’ve been seeing for Silk and constantly seeing it in the dairy section of my local grocer finally got to me. I tried it.

A friend of mine who is lactose intolerant informed me that soymilk is much sweeter than regular milk. With that in mind, I opted to try the Silk Chocolate, as I wanted to warm up to the soy before trying an unflavored version.

When I arrived home I twisted off the green lid and pulled off the safety tab. I shook the half-gallon container and poured a tall glass of the Silk Chocolate Soymilk. The glass of chocolate soymilk had a frothy top, just like a regular glass of chocolate milk would. The consistency of the soymilk was the same as traditional milk. This beverage looked absolutely no difference than a ‘regular’ one would.

As I took my first sip of the chocolate soymilk, I began to smile. I mean, chocolate milk does that to a girl. The soymilk did indeed taste different than regular milk. I don’t want to say better, but different. The chocolate flavor, which the box says is Dutch cocoa-style was delicious. It tasted more like the NesQuik single-serve bottles of chocolate milk, than Hershey’s chocolate milk. But, it also had a more YooHoo-like texture. It was creamy, but not in a milky way, like YooHoo as that is a chocolate ‘drink,’ not a dairy product either.

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If I could further describe the taste, I’d say it had a chocolate malt flavor to it. It also reminded me somewhat of the chocolate-flavored Carnation Instant Breakfast powder packets. (Which coincidently, is also made by Nestle, which could be another reason it tastes like NesQuik.)

I only wish that Silk Chocolate Soymilk came in a gallon container. Right now, the half-gallon is the largest available. The second time I went to the store to purchase the brand (I was sold and wanted more!), it was on sale for two for $5. Usually, it sells for about $2.99 a half-gallon. So, the Silk Soymilk is pricier than dairy milk, but the health benefits are worth it. And, if one is lactose intolerant it is perhaps the only option for milk.

As far as health benefits go, that could be a whole other article. However, the nutrition label for the Soy Silk Chocolate Soymilk reveals that a serving has 5g of protein and many essential vitamins and minerals.

The Silk Soymilk line also comes in vanilla, plain, mocha and Chai, as well as in other healthy options like light, with fiber and with Omega-3. Additionally, there are unrefrigerated versions. Silk also makes soy smoothies, yogurt and creamer.

(Donna T. recently became a vegetarian. As she tries out new products, she will share them through AC articles. Please click on her name above to find other health food related stories.)
