Side Effects of Prenatal Vitamins

One of the things women are told to do when they even suspect they are pregnant is to begin taking prenatal vitamins. This way, the baby can get all the extra nutrients and vitamins that they need to grow. There are many over the counter vitamins but for some women it is necessary to have prescription vitamins, such as myself. Whether or not that is the case for you, like everything else there are pros and cons to taking any kind of medication.

The most common side effects seem to be nausea. Whether that can be attributed to being pregnant or the prenatal vitamins depends on the case. According to, one woman complained of nausea and vomiting when she took Tandem OB as her prenatal vitamin. However she also found that if she took it on a full stomach she didn’t have nausea and also retained a good amount of energy. Another woman complained of stomach cramps the entire time she was taking it (and it should be noted if you have constant stomach cramps you need to check with your doctor to make sure it is not something serious). I didn’t have any problem with Tandem OB and one of the perks of that particular medication is that it is a multivitamin with iron and with my particular family history including high blood pressure my doctor thought it would be best for me to take it.

There have also been complaints of headaches, constipation, and heartburn to name a few with both prescription and over-the-counter prenatal vitamins. However as What To Expect When You’re Expecting and any doctor will tell you, these symptoms are quite common and go along with being pregnant as well so like with nausea one can’t be quite sure if it is a side effect from the vitamins or just being pregnant. And at this time it may be tempting to just stop taking it, but remember; as clichéd as it sounds you’re eating for two now and you don’t always eat food that has what your baby needs to develop correctly. If you find yourself getting ill from over-the-counter vitamins tell your doctor and have them prescribe something else. If you have prescription, try taking the vitamins on a full stomach or again talk to your doctor until you can find something that will help you as much as it helps your baby.

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However there are dangerous side effects to be on the lookout for such as severe vomiting, unusual bruising or bleeding (the idea here would be if you didn’t bruise easily and suddenly you do) or any reaction that can coincide with an allergic one such as difficulty breathing, rashes, and the like. If any of these appear it is obviously something serious and you need to go to your doctor as soon as possible to get the help you need to ensure the safety of you and your child. You don’t want to be overly cautious but then again you don’t want to not worry when there is something that should be a cause for concern.

Don’t be mistaken; unless you eat three fully balanced meals a day you need to take your prenatal vitamins. But you also need to be conscious to make sure you’re not taking something that is hurting your unborn child in the process. The best advice is to be cautious and don’t talk yourself out of talking to your doctor if you think something’s wrong. After all nobody knows your body like you do and if you think something’s off well then something probably is.