Side Effects During Pregnancy May Be Stressful, but No Need to Worry Over These Symptoms!

Pregnancy is a time filled with changes throughout your entire body. You may think being pregnant will only affect your stomach, but surprisingly, there is almost no part of your body that is not affected by the growing baby in your uterus. Pregnancy is a complete body experience with side effects everywhere. Most side effects are only slightly aggravating and are easily dealt with and often forgotten about once the baby is born. Read on for some of the most common minor complaints of pregnancy that cause no worry or fear. Of course, if you ever feel concerned about any symptom you are experiencing, the best idea is to contact your doctor for further instructions.

One very common side effect of pregnancy that many people may not know about is constipation. The digestive tract works very efficiently during pregnancy and retains almost all the fluid from your diet. The food you eat is digested so thoroughly that there is very little waste. Because of this, it is common for the digestive tract to become backed up which leads to constipation. All this is fueled by your changing hormones throughout your body. To lessen the severity of your constipation you can try to increase fluid intake and fiber content of your diet. By eating less dairy products you may also decrease your constipation. If you have very severe constipation, consult your doctor for an over the counter laxative that is safe to use while pregnant.

Along with constipation, comes gas pain and intestinal pain. Because of the pressure exerted on your intestines from your growing uterus, digestion may become slightly uncomfortable. The changing hormones in your body also lead to slower digestion which may result in painful gas. As the baby moves down the pressure lessens, but the larger the baby grows, the pressure grows as well. Chamomile tea has been proven to help ease indigestion as well as avoiding foods that you know may cause stomach upset.

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Headaches are also more common during pregnancy. This is due to the high water content throughout your body. There is more water in your brain and blood vessels so more pressure is exerted throughout your skull which leads to headaches. Tylenol and rest seem to relieve headaches very effectively!

Heartburn is also a very common ailment during pregnancy. The growing baby exerts pressure on your stomach which may release some acid into your esophagus. Eating small meals and sleeping upright help alleviate heartburn. You can also take antacids such as Tums to help lessen the amount of acid in your stomach.

Many pregnant women also suffer from hemorrhoids. These are especially common in women who have had a previous pregnancy. Hemorrhoids are caused by pressure on the anus resulting in enlarges blood vessels. Hemorrhoids can be internal or external and may cause severe to moderate pain. Taking long baths, and avoiding constipation are the best ways to minimize your hemorrhoids as well as avoiding standing for long hours.

Lightheadedness and fainting also affect a percentage of pregnant women. By not resting enough or drinking enough water and eating well, the brain may become deprived of vital nutrients. Lightheadedness is generally mild and may be remedied by sitting immediately and lowering your head. If you do not sit down immediately you may faint, which can result in injury to mother or baby. If you feel that your heart is racing while you feel lightheaded, you should contact your doctor.

Swelling of your extremities is also common during pregnancy. Your water content throughout your body increases to meet the demands of the growing baby. This results in swelling of hands and feet as the water settles there. This is generally very worry-free, but if you feel that your hands and feet are too swollen or cause pain, you should see your doctor and allow him to examine the swelling. Occasionally, swelling is a sign of distress in the mother and needs further examination.

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While there are many other symptoms of pregnancy including mood swings, abdominal pain, ligament pain and varicose veins, many of these are not severe and warrant no worry. If you ever feel that something just seems wrong or feels out of place, it is always best to contact your doctor to ensure nothing is wrong as well as ease your mind. By staying in tune with your body during pregnancy you can help ensure a healthy mother and baby.