Siberian Hamsters as Pets – the Best You can Buy

A lot of people like Siberian hamsters because they are dwarf hamsters. Things are cute when they are small. These small hamsters are also very good at escaping their cages and the smaller the hamster, the harder it is to find. If you have cats in the house it might not be a good idea to purchase a hamster because the average hamster will get loose at least once a month. You might want to keep the door shut where the hamster is located and place something under the door so that the hamster cannot crawl under the door.

Siberian hamsters are very little and they are very furry as well. They are probably one of the best hamsters to buy because they fit into the different tubes on the cages no matter how big that they get. Your average teddy bear hamster might possibly get stuck in some of these tubes and it will be hard to get himself turned out in tight spaces. Dwarf hamsters never have that problems however. They look just like a normal hamster except they are about one third of the size of your average teddy bear hamster.

You will need to purchase a cage for your Siberian hamster along with some toys, chew sticks and a food dish as well. You should also buy hamster food which will cost you about five dollars every month or so. It will seem like your hamster eats a lot of food but really the hamster is storing all the food in it’s cheeks and taking the food to store it somewhere else in the cage. It’s somewhat of a waste because every day you dump in a bunch of food and the next day it’s gone, only probably to be sat on for a couple of weeks.

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You will need to purchase a water bottle if the cage doesn’t come with one. You will also want to purchase a wheel for your hamster to run on. You can either purchase a wheel or you can purchase a ball for the hamster to run around the house in. Make sure the hamster cannot roll the ball down the stairs. A lot of hamsters will park this ball against something and turn the door to escape from the ball. Hamsters are a lot like prisoners, their one goal in life is to escape from where they are at so you will need to keep this in mind before purchasing a dwarf hamster.
