Should You Buy a Rental Car? Weigh the Pros and Cons

We have all heard the jokes. “Drive it like a rental”, and the like. While many treat the idea of rental cars a joke, there is a serious question as to whether or not they make good purchases for those who are in the market for a fairly new car at a decently low price. While the idea of buying a rental car can sound somewhat strange, if we actually look at the facts, and weigh the pro’s and con’s of the decision, then we can find that a rental car may not be that bad of a choice, and can actually be a good deal if one approaches the situation with caution and intelligence.

First, however, it is important to answer the obvious question, “Why would someone even want to buy a rental car?” While we do not offer consider rental cars as actual vehicles available for purchase, the fact remains that they can sometimes make good cars. Many people choose to purchase rental cars as they are generally only a year or two (three at the most usually) years old, have almost unheard of low mileage, as they are not in constant use, and usually appear both outside and inside to be in great condition. However, the other very impressive thing about a rental car is the prices for which one can obtain a rental car for. Imagine getting a barely used car that’s only a couple of years old for the only a fraction of the price. In short, there are many reasons why a person may desire to purchase a rental car.

Of course, going right along with those reasons, there are also many others reasons as to why one must be safe and prepared before attempting to buy a rental car. Of course, whenever we rent a car, it pulls up shiny, clean, and shows usually no apparent signs of being driven before, at least appearance wise. This is because most rental car companies place a heave influence on how the car looks, instead of taking the time to make sure that they are running right after they return from each driver. While this does mean that you can purchase a car that has almost always been visually taken care of, you are opting for some risk in terms of actual engine mechanics and the like. However, there are definite steps which can be taken to limit if not remove those risks, making the rental car purchase a safe and sound idea.

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First of all, make sure to look the rental car over yourself. When rental companies try and sell cars, they are operating as any dealership would, they want your business, and they want you to buy the car. Thus, they are not going to disclose all the information to you. Remember to give the car a careful inspection and a good look over. Check out all the aspects of the vehicle and definitely drive it to look for problems.

The most important thing you can do is to take the rental car to your usual mechanic (one which has no ties with the rental company), and ask the mechanic to check out the car and look it over, making sure that there are no major problems with the vehicle and that everything is in good running condition. Remember, not everyone beats their rental cars, and most cars are rented to mature adults with no desire to engage in stupid activity.

Make sure to get a CarFax report as well. For around fifteen dollars, the report will let you know if the car was involved in any serious accidents or if any major repair or body work was done. It is possibly the best value of anything to do with used cars, and one that you cannot afford to pass up if buying a rental car.

If possible, also ask the renal company if they can provide a history of the rental car, or at least the estimated mileage and condition reports for each renter. These types of reports can help you to make an informed and intelligent decision on whether or not you feel the car would be a safe and sound choice.

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Although buying a rental car may seem to be a strange idea at first, with a little intelligence and some caution, you will be able to find yourself an excellent deal at a truly great price, and get a fairly new car to boot. Just remember to treat the decision carefully, and not overlook anything if it seems to be a great deal at the time.