Seven Vitamins for Arthritis

After diagnosis of having arthritis, you may wonder what vitamins to take to help your body from this constant pain and ache. Since people with rheumatoid arthritis have shown deficiency in vitamin B-6, vitamin E, copper, folate, magnesium, and zinc; your doctor may suggest supplemental vitamins and minerals.

So, what vitamins to take and why you have to take them? Here is a list of seven vitamins to consider, but make sure to get your doctor’s approval. They may be good for one, but not suitable for all.

Vitamin A and beta-carotene

This supplies a dose of antioxidant, which decrease cell and tissue damage. Vitamin A helps bone development, reproduction, vision, protecting against infections in the respiratory, digestive, and urinary tracts.

Fruit and vegetables that are high in vitamin A and beta-carotene are broccoli, spinach, carrots, peaches, squash, and apricots.

Vitamin B complex

Vitamin B complex works in three areas: it helps in cell production, essential for nerve system, and helps heart health. The vitamin B complex also assists healthy tissues including muscles, bones, joints, and skin.

You can find vitamin B complex in milk, liver, whole grain cereals, brewer’s yeast, eggs, meats, nuts, fish, yogurt, and fruits.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important part of making collagen protein in building healthy cartilage, joints, and blood vessels. It helps maintaining a healthy immune system, neutralizing pollutants, and increasing the absorption of nutrients.

Fruits that are pack with vitamin C are: kiwi, orange, melon, berries, banana, avocado, and guava.

Vitamin D and Calcium

Vitamin D helps prevent a list of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, osteoporosis, breast cancer, colon cancer, and ovarian cancer.

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It also helps keep bones and teeth strong, regulates your cells, and reduces inflammation.

Foods that are high in vitamin D are: salmon, shrimp, cod, milk, cheese and egg.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E provides antioxidant, prevents the breakdown of body tissues, and helps with immune system.

Foods contain vitamin E are: almonds, turnip greens, spinach, broccoli, kiwi, corn oil, olive oil, peanut oil, and palm oil.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K prevents osteoporosis, which is the disease that weakens the bones. It can also aid with problems with hemorrhagic disease.

Foods that contain vitamin K includes: spinach, green tea, cabbage, turnip green, Brussels sprout, alfalfa, soybeans, and cauliflower.


Zinc is an important mineral for various functions. It helps maintaining the senses of smell and taste. Zinc also assist in anti-inflammatory, and builds a healthy immune system.

Foods that provide zinc are: lamb, crabmeat, turkey, lobster, clams, salmon, potato, brown rice, peanuts, whole grain cereal, beans, and yogurt. Pumpkin seeds also provide the most zinc.

The best way to get these vitamins and minerals in your body is to stick to a healthy diet. If taking supplement is an unpleasant thought, then the foods provided here should be adequate if you incorporate them to your daily intake.