Secret Santa Inexpensive Gift Ideas

Ah, Christmas! It’s a wonderful time of year when we have the opportunity to share time with family and friends, to present gifts to loved ones, and enjoy great meals with those near and dear to us. If you live in a four-season climate, you get to experience cooler temperatures and watch for that White Christmas. It’s a time when hearts are jolly and smiling faces give bright holiday greetings.

As wonderful as this season is, however, many people have a limited budget with which to buy gifts for their friends and family. Children want to give each other gifts, give their teachers gifts, and give their family members gifts. Many companies and organizations hold Secret Santa events where everyone who participates draws a name out of a hat; the idea here is that they will send secret gifts to their “giftee” over a stated period of time before their big reveal at the Christmas Party.

Most Secret Santa events stipulate that the gifts must be inexpensive – usually $1 to $5. The idea is to discreetly place a gift on the recipient’s desk or work area where they will find it and be tormented with wonder about who is leaving these great gifts! The gifts should always be given in good taste and be practical. It’s best if you can find out something about your giftee so you can create a theme in gifts.

If your budget is tight, it’s hard to participate in these events, allow your children to provide gifts, and have anything left for the holiday dinner. Here are some ideas to help you come up with inexpensive gifts you can give to anyone at any holiday. Remember, be tasteful and respectful in your selections – crude or inappropriate items will do more harm than good. Use good judgment and have fun!

First, make a list of the people you want to buy for and categorize them by type of gift. Obviously, you’ll give more valuable gifts to family members; but for those outside the immediate family, you can give something to let them know you were thinking of them. Identify the type of gifts by what you know about the person. Do they have a particular hobby or interest? Do they collect anything specific? Have they indicated any particular goals for the future that your gift could support?

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Look around your house for items you have purchased but never used; ask yourself if you really need it or want it now? Will it work for a gift? There is nothing wrong with re-gifting items you do not intend to use; things are meant to be used, not left on the shelf. If you have no use for it, pass it on to someone who will. But be mindful of the item and who you’re giving it to – you wouldn’t want to give the vase your Great Aunt Hilda gave you back to Great Aunt Hilda. Make sure the item is in good clean condition and is something you believe the giftee would like to receive. You might be surprised at what you can find in drawers, closets, or just laying around in your house. The only expense these things involve is some gift wrap and a bow.

Plan to spend a few hours shopping. You may need to visit the store a few times or go to more than one location to find what you’re looking for. First, never under-estimate the value of thrift stores, pawn shops, and garage sales. It may sound tacky at first, but you may be able to find unique items not available in retail stores or at a fraction of new retail cost. Again, make sure the items are clean and in good condition. Never give gifts that need cleaning or repair!

Next idea is to visit your local discount stores – not talking Walmart here – but there are dollar shops in every community now – Dollar General and Dollar Shop – plus any variety of similarly titled stores. The Dollar General is growing in popularity as well as inventory of what they offer; while some of it matches or rivals Walmart in price, they have plenty of other items less than $5. The Dollar Shop (and similar stores) sell everything in the store for $1 each. These stores also have grown in quantity and quality of merchandise available. The Dollar Shop has thousands of items for $1 each, sometimes even less. Almost everything you can think of, from hair care products (some brand name) to toys to books to glassware to kitchen utensils, to groceries. You will have to watch for quality – most of the electronic type of gadgets may not work. Dollar Shops are great for getting seasonal items and decorating and party supplies. They have hundreds of gift bags, bows, and wrapping materials.

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Now for some Secret Santa gift ideas (if you haven’t already come up with your own!) (also good for giving to your children’s teachers and school friends – anyone you want to recognize but don’t have budget for more expensive gifts) (you can get these at the Dollar Shop or watch for them at thrift stores and garage sales – remember to watch for quality):

books – hardback or paperback
– pretty coffee cups, unusual patterns or shapes
– helium balloons (you can get helium filled Mylar balloons at the Dollar Shop for $1 each)
– nic-nacs – from dogs to dragons, there are thousands of nic-nacs to choose from
hair bows, clips, brushes, combs
– bath sets – soaps, lotions, powders
– some locations have clothing – watch for damaged goods here but there are still great finds to be had!
– plate/bowl/cup combo set – anyone would love an individual matched tableware set
– unique candies you don’t find in regular retail stores
– packets of stickers
coloring books and crayons and markers
– garden ornaments
– candles
picture frames
– stationery, spiral notebooks, pretty paper, address books
baby supplies – toys, bibs, etc.
stuffed animals
artificial flowers in a pretty vase or cup
– candy in a reusable coffee cup
– remember the gift wrap – dozens of bags, boxes, paper, and bows to choose from – they also have greeting cards for nearly every occasion!

Some of the larger retail stores are adding discount and dollar-aisles – be sure to check out end-of-season discounted items too. And the tried and true Gift Card is also an idea (for the final Secret Santa gift, for example).

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So you can see – there are lots of ideas for inexpensive gifts your Secret Santa will love! You will probably find things you want for yourself, too! Add to the adventure by taking your children along – the Dollar Shop is a life-saver for young children to be able to get cheap gifts they will soon outgrow and they will love getting to choose their own!

Remember, above and beyond all the gifts, the purpose of any holiday is to share love with your family and have the opportunity to honor the true reason for the holiday. And whether it’s your neighbor, postman, teacher, or someone else, gifts should always be given with love and respect, and it’s the thought behind any gift that counts most.

Have fun shopping and giving your Secret Santa gifts this year, and have a safe and happy Holiday Season!