Seattle and Vancouver Island – Best Travel Destinations in the North West

I have traveled extensively to Europe, Asia, Hawaii, The Caribbean Islands and all around the United States and Canada. Taking into account every place I have been, I have selected the very best places which I will write a series of articles about. They are generally easy to get to and reasonably priced as well. This article is about my favorite destinations in the North West of The U.S. They are Seattle and Vancouver Island, Canada. This is sort of a twofer vacation since they are pretty close to one another, but if you go, go in the June to September time frame for best climate conditions.

If you live anywhere in the United States fly to Seattle. The air fare rates are very reasonable as this is a very popular destination. There are many great hotels in the City of Seattle and most are moderately priced. We paid under $100 per night in a nice downtown hotel and there are still rooms for that price available near the airport. If you want to stay downtown today the prices have climbed to the $150 to $160 a night range. I was very happy with the hotel we stayed at and there are so many choices that I won’t pick any out specifically, but be warned that there is a large convention crowd that stays near the Convention Centers, which charge double the price I just mentioned. Avoid these hotels as they are for Corporate convention attendees and have a major premium because they can charge the large companies all that traffic can bear.


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Seattle has a large number of “must see” sights. The Space Needle is of course one of the most famous of Seattle tourist spots. By all means go there. You may want to eat in the restaurant at the top of the Needle, but this is pricey. I suggest a half carafe wine or a pitcher of beer and an appetizer to keep your bill low but still enjoy the fantastic view.

Pike Place Market

This is an institution in Seattle and has stores, markets and various attractions all along this half mile long indoor length. The seafood markets are my favorite, just don’t get to close to the Monkfish. There are restaurants inside with outdoor terraces where inexpensive meals can be had for a very reasonable price. One shop even has the World’s biggest shoe (only one as the other was stolen a long time ago). Salmon to die for both smoked and fresh is always a good bet at Pike Place Market. The market continues outside as an open air flea market with wonderful jewelry and souvenirs.

The Underground Tour

When Seattle was first built, it was built a little too low for a modern city. Sewerage was a major problem with the rich people dumping their wastes on the poorer citizens down the cliff by the Bay. Of course even the waste from the lower sections of the City couldn’t make it to the Bay when the tide was high. The solution was to write off the lower part of the City and start the living areas on the streets higher. The entire first floor of most of the bayside area was covered up and new doors built at the second story level. This left an empty level of Seattle that became a literal ghost town beneath the City inhabited used only by rats, the new sewer system and an occasional homeless group residents who filtered down to the lower level which provided shelter in the almost continual rainy weather.

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These days the homeless are gone and so are most of the rats. The underground city does make for a wonderful and surrealistic tour that I think was the highlight of my stays there. The tours leave from various local Bars in the area.

Go to Vancouver Island From Seattle

Vancouver Island is well worth seeing even though it is a 79 mile drive and auto ferry ride from Seattle. The Island of Vancouver, not the City of Vancouver is a marvelous addition to your trip to Seattle if you love nature.

The ferry ride ends in the quaint Victoria City. This is a city where time moves slower and beauty surrounds you. Drive north from the City to visit the tidal pools where and amazing variety of sea life lives. Take a charter fishing boat to go after large game fish if this is your fantasy. The restaurants there are the best anywhere I’ve been to and the beer, oh the beer!

Spend a couple of days here. Hike or backpack into the interior of the Island. There is so much land and so few people. I just have to go back soon. Have a great vacation.