Seat Exercises to Prevent Blood Clots While Traveling

Sitting for hours while traveling (or at work or school) places undue stress on muscles and causes blood to pool in legs and feet due to sluggish circulation. That’s a recipe for a blood clot. After surviving a heart attack, preventing blood clots are always a concern for me (I take blood thinners to avoid clots), so getting up from and moving around frequently is a must for me. To keep blood circulating normally while traveling (or working) in any seated mode of transportation, I use these simple seat exercises that can be done anytime or anywhere.

Pump Feet

Pumping the feet while seated will keep blood circulating in feet and lymphatic system working properly to prevent blood and body fluids from pooling in the extremities. To do this exercise, I place both feet flat on the floor directly in front of me then raise toes 2 inches off the floor while heels remain on the floor. I hold this pose for 3 seconds, then lower toes back down to the floor and immediately raise both heels 2 inches off the floor. Hold for 3 seconds, then repeat with toes. Pump feet as often as is needed while traveling.

Ankle Circles

This clot-preventing exercise requires a little front leg room, (I turn my chair sideways at my desk) but the moves can be modified so they can be done even in a cramped space: Lift one foot off the floor a few inches and point toes forward. Draw a circle with toes while keeping ankle and leg motionless. Start drawing circles in a clockwise motion, then reverse the circle and draw a counterclockwise circles. Lower first foot and repeat ankle circle exercise with the other foot for about 30 seconds apiece. Repeat ankle circle exercise as often as needed.

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Hip Stretches

After long time of seated travel, hip stretch exercises help me regain feeling in my posterior and prevent blood clots from forming. To stretch hips while seated, grab right knee with both hands and pull knee up to chest as close as possible. Hold the pose for 15 seconds. Repeat with left knee. Then alternate knees and repeat 5 times each. Stretch hips as often as while traveling to keep blood circulating. My husband can keep driving while I do this, which makes him happy.

Walk Around

Walking is the all-around best form of exercise and can’t be beat for preventing blood clots. If possible, get up a walk around every couple of hours while traveling. The longer the seated travel will be, the more urgent it will become to walk around, for your health’s sake. A few steps to the restroom every couple of hours is better than nothing, and may be all that you can do when enduring a long airplane flight, but if possible, take a 10 minute walk every 2 hours to protect against blood clots.
