Scrubbing Bubbles Action Scrubber: Review

I admit it. I don’t like to clean. So, when I see ads on television for new products that make cleaning easy, I cave. Today, I saw a $2.00 off coupon for the new Scrubbing Bubbles Action Scrubber. I added it to my shopping list.

Our tub has been in need of a good cleaning for a few weeks. I actually use the Scrubbing Bubbles regular spray cleaner, but I usually use that with a regular scrub brush and have to scrub pretty hard. This is probably a combination of a poor brush and my lack of elbow grease. So, because of this, I put off cleaning the tub. But I shouldn’t. My fiancĂ© is a mechanic.

When we arrived home from the grocery store, I was actually excited to clean the tub and try out the new Scrubbing Bubbles Action Scrubber on my several week-old crud. I opened the package and read the directions, even though the product is quite idiot proof.

I loved the feel of the flexible foam handle in the Scrubbing Bubbles’ trademark green. On the bottom side of the handle are two strips of a Velcro-like adhesive. The starter package of the Action Scrubber comes with four disposable cleaning pads. I placed one, print side up and stuck the handle to the pad. It gripped very nicely. I was ready to go.

The cleaning side of the Action Scrubber pad is filled with scrubbing fibers and concentrated Scrubbing Bubbles cleaner. As recommended, I wet the surface of my tub and walls, as well as the scrubbing pad. Then, I got to work. The grime came off quickly and with ease. I couldn’t believe how easy it was. I enjoy the Mr. Clean Magic Erase and this worked just as magically. I was almost sad when all the gunk was gone. So, I took it to the sink and it worked well there too.

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When I was finished, the tub and sink were glowing. I yelled upstairs for my fiancé to come down and see what a great job I did. (Or shall I say, how great of a job the Scrubbing Bubbles Action Bubbles did?) A beautiful finish! I removed the disposable pad from the handle and tossed it away! No rinsing of a sponge or brush needed, something I was quite happy for. I replaced the handle in the convenient holder atop the plastic box, which still contained the other three disposable pads.

I would highly recommend the Scrubbing Bubbles Action Scrubber to any busy person who does not like the hassle of cleaning. The product is easy to use, works fantastic and I will admit, made cleaning a little more fun for me.

For more information about this product, visit the product page at There are also coupons available at the site for that, and other Scrubbing Bubbles products like the automatic shower cleaner.

And to learn more about my despise of housework, read my related article, “I’m Donna Talarico, Not Donna Reed: Confessions of an Anti-Domestic Diva.”
