Scrapbooking How To: Where to Buy Scrapbook Paper

Scrapbook paper is addicting. Paper is the backbone of scrapbooking. We are tempted to buy, buy, buy because we know we’ll use it up eventually — so why not buy a few more sheets of this new pretty pattern or that cool new shade of blue? But wait! Step away from the paper!

My best and most important advice when buying paper is to take it slow. It’s easy to go overboard and buy too much at the beginning. I know, I’ve been there and done that. Now I’m stuck with thousands of sheets of paper that I probably won’t ever use. So start slow, buy only what you need for the pages you want to create and keep that addiction in check.

But with such an enormous selection to choose from, you can feel that paper-addiction-bug creeping up behind you and all you want to do is run out to the store and buy some paper. But wait just a minute. Let’s talk about the best way to buy paper and some of the sources for the best deals. Remember, the better price you get on your paper means you’ll just extra money to buy more paper.

Where to Shop
This might seem like an obvious topic and you may be tempted to skip right over it. But really… this is important. There are the typical shopping places you probably already know about but there are also some other sources that can help you save loads of money on supplies.

Scrapbook Stores: Your “Local Scrapbook Store” – often referred to as LSS when scrapbookers talk in shorthand – is the best source for all the newest, hottest and latest products. Scrapbook stores are usually locally owned and have a small storefront location in your town. Mom & Pop type stores, if you will. You will always find the largest selection of specialty supplies here, but you’ll also be paying a bit more for the privilege of having the newest products.

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Big Box Craft Stores: The large discount craft stores also have a scrapbooking section; however, the selection may be limited. Instead of 20 isles of scrapbook paper like you’ll find in a LSS, you’ll probably find 1 or 2 isles of scrapbook paper at a big box store. But prices are usually cheaper and these types of stores have big sales a few times a year to clear out old product to make way for new. Big box stores also offer coupons and weekly sales flyers.

Online Stores: Just like your local scrapbook store and your big box stores – there are online stores of varying sizes and ownership. You will often find great deals with online shopping because they have lower overhead costs of running their business and those savings are passed along to their customers. One main drawback of this type of shopping is that you give up the opportunity to “touch and feel” your products before you decide to buy. But if you already know your products and shop for specific brands and supplies, this is a great way to save some money.

Online Auctions: Remember that paper addiction I talked about earlier? Scrapbookers often find themselves overwhelmed with the amount of supplies they amass and need to find a way to unload some of it. Online auctions are an ideal spot for them – and an ideal spot for you as you’re shopping for paper to begin your scrapbook pages. You can find large lots of supplies for super great prices.

One-on-One Sales and Trades: Scrapbook forums and community groups is another option for finding a bargain on paper and scrapbook supplies. Some scrapbook stores hold an annual “garage sale” where they invite their customers to bring in their extra supplies and sell them to other customers. Sometimes at crops or scrapbooking retreats folks will bring in their extra supplies and offer to trade other scrapbookers for supplies they no longer use for something they want to try out. These venues are ideal options for the beginner scrapbooker – you can find a bargain and have the chance to try a variety of supplies that might no longer be on the market for purchase.

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Best Deals
It is not uncommon for a single sheet of scrapbook paper to cost anywhere from 50-cents to $2.00 each. So hunting for bargains is important if you don’t want to break the bank. Here are a few ideas to help save you some money.

Sales: “I never pay full price for anything!” I hear people say this phrase often when it pertains to supplies for their household, back-to-school shopping, clothing and even vacation or travel. But when it comes to scrapbook supplies, those frugal shoppers forget their motto. Scrapbook manufacturers release new lines of product twice a year and all the retail outlets order from those new lines to offer to their customers. So what happens to the old stuff? It goes on sale, of course. So wait a few months and that paper you love so much will likely go on sale and you’ll get it at a bargain price.

Coupons: The Big Box Stores usually offer discount coupons in their weekly flyers. Sometimes those coupons are worth as much as 50% off a single item. Make a list of the big-ticket items you want to purchase and wait for a coupon to be released before making that purchase. Or if there’s not a big-ticket item you want to buy when coupon is released, then think about stocking up on the staple items like cardstock, paper trimmer blades or adhesive.

Buy in Bulk: I used a lot of black cardstock. So instead of buying individual sheets of black cardstock, I buy a whole packet of it at an online store. I get a better price on the cardstock and I don’t have to worry about running out as often. But it’s not just cardstock you can buy in bulk; you can also get patterned paper and vellum in bulk too. Scrapbook paper manufacturers package coordinating lines of paper in single packs. You can buy large pads/stacks/slabs of paper that contain as much as 180 sheets of paper for around $20 regular price (cheaper when you use a coupon, of course). These pads/stacks/slabs of paper come in a variety of themes and color palettes with many papers coordinating with each other so you can mix and match them together. Vellum can also be purchased in bulk – it’s very common to find a packet containing 50 sheets of white vellum for around $10. And use your coupon of course!

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Kits: A scrapbook page kit is a packet of paper and embellishments that all coordinate with each other and is designed to make an entire scrapbook page with the supplies included. The kit will often come with instructions on how to create the sample page and sometimes you’ll get enough supplies to create more than one page. Kits are designed to take the guesswork out of matching and coordinating papers and to make it easy for you to get pages done quickly.

Now that you know where to buy your paper, remember to shop smart! Don’t go overboard at the beginning. As a beginner scrapbooker, it’ll take several months for you to understand your scrapbooking style and figure out what your favorite product lines are. Buy a few sheets for specific layouts and use it up. Then you can go shopping for more. Have fun!