Schwinn Hope Jogging Stroller is Great for the Active Parent

Last month I purchased a Schwinn jogging stroller for my niece, who had recently had her first child. My niece runs every day, and since she had her baby she hasn’t been able to get out and run like she used to. I wasn’t even sure there was a stroller that would allow her to run, but I went looking online and I did find some.

I bought the Schwinn jogging stroller from Wal-Mart, because the price was reasonable, with tax and all it was just a little over $170. When I purchased it, I just had it delivered to her as an early Easter gift. She called me the other day to thank me; she was so surprised. She said the jogging stroller was perfect. She said she started off walking to warm up her legs and then started to jog. I could hear the elation in her voice that she was really thrilled with the stroller.

I asked her if she could run easily while pushing the stroller, and she said it was very comfortable for her to do so. She said the stroller stayed on course with her and did not veer off or become hard to handle. She said the baby loved it too because she was lulled to sleep while she was jogging.

I asked her if there were any drawbacks with the stroller, and she said there weren’t any that she could see. There is no tray like some strollers have for babies to rest their toys on, but there is no way for the baby to lose the toys while running because the baby is reclined.

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I decided to purchase this particular jogging stroller because a portion of the purchase prices is donated to the American Cancer Society for breast cancer awareness. On the canopy of the stroller is the pink ribbon of hope. I felt if I was going to buy a stroller for my niece, I could buy one that would serve two purposes. I like the idea of helping people, so making this purchase would not only be a wonderful gift for my niece and grand-niece, but it would also help donate money for breast cancer research.

This is a great stroller and if you are a runner and have a new baby this will be perfect for you. There is great mobility, and provides a very smooth ride for the baby. My niece falls asleep every time she goes for a ride in it. I wrote her today in an email and told her I was going to write a review and asked if she had anything to tell my readers. Here is what she said:

“It’s so wonderful to be able to get out and run again. Before I was only able to walk with her; I had her strapped to my chest, and I couldn’t run because she didn’t like the bouncing. It took me just a few minutes to get used to how the jogging stroller handled, and then I took off almost in a full run and the stroller worked great. I wasn’t sure about it at first. I walked, then I stepped it up to a slow jog, and when I saw how well it was handling I stepped it up even more. She loved the ride, and I loved being able to run again. This is the best gift anyone has ever given me! Thanks Auntie!”

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If you are an active mom or dad, I would strongly suggest the Schwinn Hope Jogging Stroller. I think you will like it as much as my niece does.