School Uniforms: Discipline Devices or Fashion Statements?

Children usually start school between the ages of four or five by either going to preschool or starting school in kindergarten. School is supposed to socialize children to get along with other people such as other children and teachers. At the age of five, school is mainly learning how to share, learning the ABC’s, much playtime, and a bit of writing. Also, at the age of five, children might start to test their independence. They might start to show off their independence by attempting to pick out their own clothes in order to figure out their own sense of style. Most schools whether they be elementary, junior high, or high schools don’t have a dress code. This means that students can wear whatever clothing they wish, within limits in order to express their creativity, individuality, and personality. However, there are schools, mostly private schools that require students to wear school uniforms. Therefore, every girl that attends a private school might be required to wear a school girl uniform. There is no difference between a school girl uniform and a teen school uniform.

A uniform of any type and design connotes and denotes structure, discipline, and order. In fact, many people are familiar with some type of uniform such as a Navy uniform and an Air Force uniform. In fact, many people have a work uniform such as a chef wears a chef’s hat and a chef’s apron to order to cook and bake in a restaurant kitchen. Even if people don’t have to wear a specific uniform when they are at work, they absolutely do have to dress professionally. This usually means that people can’t wear jeans, tee shirts, tennis shoes, or sandals to work. In other words, adults usually have to wear a uniform to work and children can wear their personal style to school. The uniform that children and teenagers wear to school sometimes is called a school girl uniform but uniforms and school are an uneasy fit. This is because when children are young they are trying to find their own voice. A uniform, especially a school girl uniform both denotes and connotes conformity and uniformity instead of creativity and individuality. However, it has been claimed that any uniform, especially a school girl uniform is supposed to both connote and denote conformity and uniformity and that creativity and individuality have nothing to do with a school girl uniform or any type of uniform for that matter. The people who believe this probably have not heard of the phrase “sexy school girl.”

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School administrators and teaches who wish school girls to wear school girl uniforms believe that school is no place for having fun, creativity, and individuality. They believe that school is a place of serious learning and not a circus or carnival. The image of school is supposed to be one of serious learning and striving for higher education. School is about molding young women into confident adult that are ready to meet the world head on. Since school girls need to be educated and modeled into particular school systems, a school girl uniform is just the right fashion statement to make when going to school. A school girl uniform says both serious and smart not boring.