Schick Quattro Titanium Trimmer Review

The advertisements are pretty ludicrous: waist-down shots of women wandering around while bushes take ludicrous shapes behind them (and really, a circle? A perfect circle? Is that even possible? If it is, I haven’t done it). However, the product very nearly makes up for the miserably hilarious ad campaign.

First — do not expect to be able to trim yourself in any shape these wandering waist-down women magically make the bushes behind them into. It’s not necessarily Schick’s fault, that area is damn awkward and doing that yourself is just almost impossible. However, you can very easily trim and shave into a more normal shape of some kind.

The regular blade head is pretty much a regular blade head; there are four blades and the shave is extremely close. The only problem I had was the angle at which those blades sit. The entire piece is almost vertical which makes for a weird angle while shaving. I have been using the Schick Quattro for Women for years and have not had a nick in a very long time, but with the new Titanium Trimmer, my ankle proved too difficult for its kind of strangely flat razor head. One nick, however, really is not that big a deal; I wouldn’t recommend this as a first razor, however, because it does require a little bit of finagling to get just right.

Also on the downside, if you have small hands, the entire razor is going to feel a bit bulky in your grip. There is supposedly a button for which to rest your index finger, but it is so far out of logical grip range for me, I don’t even bother. Once, by accident, I wound up turning the electric razor on, but only the once and that was most probably my own fault!

See also  Electric Razors Vs. Traditional Razors

The shave the main blades give is incredibly smooth and despite the ankle trouble, the flat angle manages to navigate knees beautifully. If you want a close shave that lasts a good while, I can’t recommend this enough. And that’s just the top blade!

If you flip the razor over, there is an electric razor meant to trim your bikini line. Trimming bikini lines is no easy task — it’s awkward and messy — but the Schick Titanium Trimmer has hit on something. There are three settings (“longish”, “not so long”, and “shortish”), but don’t expect to shave everything off with the electric blades. I recommend the medium setting personally, particularly the first few times while you get the hang of the product. I found that removing the plastic cover pulled on my hair and the longer setting did very little. Once you trim, if you want to get the bikini line bare, flip the razor back over and use the regular blade and some shaving cream for a really ideal shave.

Also — this product is entirely waterproof. You can use it in the shower without a problem, despite the battery inside of the razor (which is doubtlessly why the razor is so gigantic for those of us with tiny hands).

Bottom line: It takes a bit of finagling to get used to this product. You really have to play with it to figure out the right angle, the right length, the most comfortable place for the razor for your body. However, even with the slight problems (one nick, a little hair pulling), this is well worth the 9.95 I paid for it at the grocery store (these are available everywhere — Walmart, Target, etc.). Schick has definitely hit a market without a product and I know that I really like having something to make shaving easier.

See also  The Gillette Mach3 Razor Vs. Schick Quattro Midnight

I do recommend this product. B+
