Sample Job Shadow Thank-You Letters

Did you just finish a day of job shadowing? Were you fortunate to experience a day in the life of someone in your dream career? If so, it’s now time to write a thank-you letter. A thank-you note following a job shadow experience shows respect to the person who helped you. It is a nice way to show you appreciate them giving up their time and energy to help you.

Many would say you should type the thank-you letters. Others believe it is nice to get a personal, handwritten note. Choose which method you feel most comfortable with. If you choose to type, be sure to follow the business letter format.

Letter to a Physician Assistant

Dear Mr. Ingham,

Thank-you very much for allowing me to be your job shadow on Monday. I know your time is valuable, and I thank-you for letting me experience a day in the life of a Physician Assistant. It was very helpful to me in making decisions for my future.

I enjoyed learning more about your job responsibilities and duties. I did not know that Physician Assistants had so many choices in the type of work they do. I also did not know that PA’s prescribed medication. Also, your advice on choosing colleges and courses to take was extremely helpful. I made a note about the summer camp program you mentioned, and will look into it.

I was thrilled that you were able to take the time to answer my questions. I have a better understanding of the role of a Physician Assistant now. Thank-you very much for your guidance and assistance.


(Your Name)

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Letter to a Newspaper Reporter

Dear Mrs. McNear,

I feel very blessed to have had the experience of being your job shadow. It was incredibly generous for you to let me follow you for the day.

I enjoyed hearing about your work adventures. Thank-you for answering my questions, and giving me advice on choosing a college. I know that your time is very valuable and I am grateful you allowed me to get a glimpse into the life of a newspaper reporter.


(Your Name)

Letter to a Pharmacist

Dear Mrs. Foster,

Thank-you very much for allowing me to spend a few hours with you on Tuesday. I feel blessed to have had the job shadow experience with you. I learned more about what a pharmacist does by watching you for a few hours, that anything I could read about in a book.

I know your time is very valuable, and it was kind of you to answer my questions. Thank-you for giving me advice and tips on how to decide if pharmacy is the career for me. Your pros and cons list was extremely helpful. Also, thank-you for the book recommendations.

I am very grateful you allowed me to get a glimpse into the life of a pharmacist. Thank-you.


(You Name.)

These are just three samples of thank-you letters to job shadow mentors. For future job shadow experiences, please read “Questions to Ask During a Job Shadow Experience.” You might also check out “How to Decide on a College Major: Tips for Choosing a Career Path.” If you are searching for a job shadow experience, take a look at “Sample Letters to Request a Job Shadow Experience.” Good luck with your future endeavors!

See also  A Guide to Applying and Getting into a Physician Assistant (PA) Program
