Roaring Camp Railroads, Felton, California

Have you been to Roaring Camp Railroads, Felton, CA? If you like cowboy movies, trains and greenery, this place is a must-see. On a summer afternoon, Roaring Camp is a good place for an outdoor barbecue, grilling, train rides or a romantic getaway. Roaring Camp Railroads is also a good place to host birthday parties, weddings, reunions or school events.

How to Reach Roaring Camp Railroads, Felton, CA

If you drive from San Francisco, CA to Roaring Camp Railroads, Felton, CA, it is around 72 miles and takes one hour and 27 minutes. During weekends, you may expect delays on Hwy 17. To avoid traffic and delays, you can use the Hwy 9 instead of Hwy 17. Hwy 9 is the best route to reach Felton or Santa Cruz. Though the drive is quite scenic, it is a winding road and you may feel queasy if you drive constantly without taking a break.

Roaring Camp Railroads Schedules, Felton, CA

The Roaring Camp Railroads has different train schedules. You can take the Santa Cruz Beach train or the one that winds through the dense canopy of Redwood trees up to the Bear Mountain. The Santa Cruz beach train takes you from Santa Cruz to Roaring Camp Railroads in Felton and back to Santa Cruz. On the other hand, you can also take the beach train from Felton to Santa Cruz and back to Felton. This is a good idea if you want to avoid the busy crowds and parking hassle in Santa Cruz. Moreover, parking in Santa Cruz Boardwalk costs you $12 for the day but at Felton, you save $4 and pay only $8 for a full day.

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The Roaring Camp Railroads Picnic

Well, check out the reviews on Yelp. You will see 130 reviews and a 4 star rating. If you love steam engines and trains, you will surely enjoy this ride. It is perfect for a family day out. What is more, they even allow pets on the train. You cannot carry a bike on the train but they allow picnic baskets, bags and knapsacks.

Within the Roaring Camp Railroads station, there is a huge picnic area. Some people play music for the visitors. Other amenities include an outdoor barbecue amidst shady trees, general store, and a café that sells burgers, hot dogs, ice cream, fries and beverages. Food prices are quite reasonable and fill the palate.

Roaring Camp Town Activities

Enter the Roaring Camp and you instantly get a vision of cowboy movies. There are timber logs, log huts, old time studio where you can dress up in antique clothes. You can also buy cowboy style guns and accessories in the souvenir store. If you come with kids or friends, you can try candle-making, gold panning and even play some games in the picnic area.

You can check the official website to plan your train rides. While waiting for the train, there are volunteers who will paint your face or draw your portrait for an affordable price. Bring a few games and books for the kids, as they may feel restless during the train rides. Do not forget to carry enough sunscreen lotion. You may also bring along food or picnic baskets from home. Throw in picnic chairs, pillows and a bed sheet to enjoy a full day at the Roaring Camp railroads.