Risks and Complications of Heart Catheterization Surgery

There are a number of risks and complications associated with heart catheterization surgery. Heart catheterization is a medical procedure in which a flexible tube known as a catheter is inserted through a blood vessel into the heart. This enables the doctor to observe abnormalities in heart function. Heart catheterization is less risky than major heart surgery. It’s often used to determine the necessity of more invasive treatments which carry higher risks and complications.


Risks and complications of heart catheterization surgery vary with the individual. Factors include age, the progression of the heart problem, the type of heart defect and the condition of the patient at the time of procedure. Doctors must take everything into consideration. For instance, an infant could be a very low risk candidate compared to an adult with a life long condition. On the other hand, the infant may be more at risk than an otherwise healthy adult in terms of developmental issues.

Allergic reactions

One complication associated with heart catheterization surgery is an allergic reaction to the contrast material. This is the dye injected into the catheter to make problems more visible. Allergic reactions to the dye may occur in people with allergies or sensitivity to shellfish or iodine. Your doctor should ask about these allergies prior to the procedure. If not, be sure to make them aware of any allergies or reactions you have had in the past.


Any surgical procedure carries risk of infection. Surgeons are always meticulous about reducing the risk of infection. Sterile instruments are used. Nails and hands are washed and gloved. The operating area is sterilized prior to use. Even the patients skin around the incision is sterilized. Nevertheless, there is a still a chance of infection from unknown sources. Indication of infection might include redness around the incision, fever, nausea and more.

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Bleeding and blood clots

Blood clots are a complication possible in most invasive procedures. There is an additional risk of bleeding at the site of the incision. With catheterization surgery, there is a chance that blood clots may form on the catheter. These clots can travel through the blood stream to cause complications in both the heart and other organs. Those with a history of blood clots should inform their doctor prior to the procedure.


During heart catheterization, there is a risk that air may get into the bloodstream. Air bubbles in the blood stream can cause major complications. Why is this dangerous? An air bubble can block the flow of blood through the artery. Large air bubble can cause a sort of vapor lock so that nothing can pass through the vein. This can lead to anything from inflammation to a heart attack or stroke.

Heart attack or stroke

Any surgery carries these risks. Procedures involving the major organs and blood vessels, such as heart catheterization carry the highest risks. Heart attack and stroke are most likely in those who are weakened by their disease or condition. Blood clots, allergies, infections and air bubbles in the blood stream are some complications of heart catheterization that carry the additional risks of heart attack or stroke.

Blood Vessel Damage

During the heart catheterization procedure there is a small chance for blood vessel damage. This may be caused by the insertion of the catheter or by the catheter itself. Although the catheter is made from a soft, pliable material the blood vessel is more delicate. There is risk of the catheter puncturing the blood vessel it uses as a pathway to the heart.

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Please Note: The author is not a licensed medical professional. This article is intended for general information purposes. See your doctor for further information concerning the risks and complications of heart catheterization.


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