Right Side Abdominal Pain: What Does it Mean?

Of all the physical symptoms one can experience, abdominal pain is one of the hardest to diagnose. It can indicate a wide variety of diseases, disorders and conditions, each of which may be accompanied by other symptoms that can also overlap. Right side abdominal pain, however, narrows the field considerably, and may point to one of a few specific diseases and conditions.

1- Kidney Stones

Right side abdominal pain is sometimes indicative of kidney stones, and means that the stone has formed in the right kidney. In most cases, the pain will start to the back and move around to the front, though with small stones the patient might not feel it until it has wound around to the right side of the abdomen. If you think that you might be passing a stone, you should head to the nearest emergency room, even if the right side abdominal pain is bearable. Impactions, tearing and other complications can make this a serious health risk.

2- Appendicitis

You can also experience right side abdominal pain, usually in the lower quadrant, when suffering from appendicitis. In some cases, the pain starts around the naval area and tracks right down the stomach, but in either case the condition is serious. You may need to have your appendix removed, and severe infections can result. As soon as pain like this begins, you should head to the nearest emergency room, especially if the pain is coupled with nausea, vomiting or blurred vision.

3- Stomach Ulcer

If right side abdominal pain is accompanied by pain in the chest, and is concentrated in the upper quadrant, you might be suffering from stomach ulcers. This pain is usually sharp, and may come and go, and is typically worse on an empty stomach. This condition isn’t as serious as the previous two, and symptoms can sometimes be relieved by antacid. Avoid taking any medication containing aspirin, and see a doctor if the pain worsens.

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4- Mononucleosis

This viral infection has caused serious illness and even death in numerous patients over the years, and is characterized by right side abdominal pain in addition to fever, fatigue and a raw throat. Most of the pain will be concentrated in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, and the pain will increase if mononucleosis isn’t treated. Sleep is the Number One weapon against this disease, but medication can help to control the symptoms.

5- Other Conditions

Right side abdominal pain is certainly not limited to those diseases and conditions listed above, and may be indicative of another underlying cause. For example, pancreatitis can start as pain in either the lower left or lower right quadrant of the abdomen, and women experiencing an ectopic pregnancy often experience right side abdominal pain. The best way to diagnose your condition is to see a doctor immediately for treatment.
