Rice Flour Pancakes

In 2007, for health reasons, my primary physician who has a Medical Doctorate and Naturopathic Doctorate, introduced me to the world of hidden food allergies and informed how they can cause organ damage throughout the body. He gifted me a book Blood Type A, Food, Beverage and Supplement Lists from Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo, and prescribed that I follow the advise listed in this book. Not wanting to be ill from my hidden food allergies, I read the book and began following Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo’s guidelines. This meant a dietary change and included introducing alternative ingredients in some of the dishes I enjoyed eating, especially pancakes. I was elated when I managed this Rice Flour Pancake recipe that was healthy for me and tasted great. It took me two months, by trial and error, to perfect; well worth the creative experience.

Rice Flour Pancakes
by Alicia Rose

1 cup Rice Flour (available in grocery or health food stores)
1/4 cup cane or raw sugar
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
1/4 teaspoon of salt
1/4 teaspoon of baking soda
1 egg
1/2 cup of Rice Milk (can substitute with Almond or Soy milk)

Note: You will need a frying pan or pancake griddle. Grease frying pan or griddle lightly with sunflower oil. I use sunflower oil because it is light, does not alter or add to the taste of food. Makes a great butter, cooking oil, or lard substitute for when pans or griddles need to be greased for cooking.

Directions: Combine all dry contents first, then add the egg, fold and stir until well mixed. Add the Rice Milk a little at a time. Stir and add the Rice Milk slowly until pancake batter consistency is achieved. I make my pancake batter the same consistency as cake batter. Use large cooking whisk to remove lumps in pancake batter.

See also  Cookie Recipes and Information for the Lactose Intolerant Child

Note: The thicker the batter, the thicker the pancakes. This recipe is good for making crepes too; add 1 cup (instead of 1/2 cup) of Rice Milk for the thinner crepe batter.

Place lightly greased frying pan or pancake griddle on top of stove burner(s), heat using a medium or high setting. I prefer to use a medium heat setting instead of high so they brown more evenly.

Pour batter in rounds in heated and lightly greased frying pan or top of griddle to create 1 or more pancakes at a time. When you see small bubbles evenly distributed in the batter, flip pancake round with a pancake turner, and wait until golden brown, flip a second time over, then wait until both sides are golden brown. Remove from heat and place on plate. Repeat the process until all the pancake batter is used. Then serve the plate full of pancakes.

This recipe serves 2 people. For 4 people please double the recipe. Bon appetite!

Alicia Rose, personal experience 2007 through present
Rice Flour Pancakes, recipe by Alicia Rose, created in 2007
Blood Type A, Food, Beverage and Supplement Lists from Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type, by Peter J. D’Adamo with Catherine Whitney, Berkley Books, New York, January 2002