Rice Bowl Spanish Rice Mix: A Food Review

I have recently been converted to an Aldi shopper. After several very successful shopping trips where I was amazed at how far I could stretch my food budget, I now make the trip to Aldi weekly to stock up my refrigerator and pantry for the bulk of my family’s menu for week.

Aldi primarily carries their own name brands and from what I have been told, it can be hit and miss. You need to take the chance and try an unknown brand product to see how it compares to the pricier more famous brand name. Once such product my family recently tried was Rice Bowl Spanish Rice Mix.

At only a few pennies over a dollar for a six point eight ounce box, Rice Bowl Spanish Rice Mix was a very cheap side dish for my homemade enchiladas. All four members of my family are rice fans, so it is never difficult to include rice as a side dish to our meals. Rich in Fiber, Vitamin C and Iron with no Fat, rice is a very healthy alternative to other starches such as white bread or french fries.

Rice Bowl Spanish Rice Mix can be prepared on the stove top or in the microwave. Since my stove was otherwise occupied, I chose to prepare the dish in the microwave. After placing the rice in a microwave safe bowl, I mixed it with two tablespoons of butter. After microwaving on high for four minutes, with a brief interruption to stir the rice mixture after two minutes, I removed the bowl from the microwave.

As per the instructions, I then poured two and a quarter cups of hot water into the mixture, along with the contents of the seasoning packet included in the box. I then returned the bowl to the microwave for an additional twenty minutes. This gave me plenty of time to finish baking my enchiladas.

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Rice Bowl Spanish Rice Mix needs a few minutes to cool after the twenty minute cooking time is complete. The first thing I noticed after removing the dish from the microwave is what a lovely presentation Rice Bowl Spanish Rice Mix gives. The color was lovely and I almost didn’t want to disturb the rice to serve it. I spread a layer of rice onto everyone’s plate and then served the enchiladas on top of it. My family was impressed with how attractive and appetizing the meal looked. The attractive appearance of the meal was short lived, however, as everyone began to dig in.

The verdict was unanimous. Rice Bowl Spanish Rice Mix was extremely tasty. After being prepared in the microwave, the rice had a wonderful texture, without becoming too soft or mushy. With just the right amount of spice, without being overwhelming, Rice Bowl Spanish Rice Mix was the perfect accompaniment to my enchiladas.

Rice Bowl Spanish Rice Mix contains two hundred and eighty calories per serving. Each serving provides seven percent of Dietary Fiber, five grams of Protein and an impressing forty five percent of the daily recommended value of Vitamin C. With six percent of Calcium and ten percent of Iron, this side dish is a smart and nutritious side dish well worth the pennies it cost and the twenty five minutes cooking time.

I intend on stocking up on Rice Bowl Spanish Rice Mix and planning more meals where I can use this tasty and versatile side dish. If you are an Aldi shopper and are looking for a healthy change from other bland and nutritionally empty side dishes, try the Rice Bowl Spanish Rice Mix. For mere pennies a serving, you can stay well within your food budget and provide your loved ones with vitamins and nutrients essential to good health.