Revlon Stainless Steel Blackhead Remover: Review

Today while browsing a review site I came across a review that was outright praising a product that I myself have used a few time in my past. The review praised it… no problem it worked for them.

Here’s my take on the Revlon Stainless Steel Blackhead Remover though. The negative take.

What is it?

The Revlon Stainless Steel Blackhead Remover is probably the oddest and stupidest thing I have ever come across in my life. While browsing for some acne cream at my local Walmart, and employee took notice, and told me I had nice skin. I rolled my eyes and pointed to a few narsty narstys that managed to pop up that week on my face.

She then pointed out the device. The Revlon Stainless Steel Blackhead Remover. I picked it up and read it. To me it looked like something you would find in the dentists office. Its a very thin metal rod, with two metal loops on either end. One loop is larger then the other.

The Concept:

Apply the loop on top of your pimple, squeeze down to your face, and slowly slide along your skin. This applies pressure to the pimple or black head, or white head what have you… and causes it to explode.

I didn’t find the concept much different then the old school poor mans method, of taking index finger on left hand, and taking pointer finger on right hand, apply to sides of pimple, and squeeze.

To me, it just seemed like an expensive method to popping a zit, when I could do it for free with my fat fingers.

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I figured the $4.00 I spent on it would not be a huge loss. It would be a stupid loss if it sucked, but not a huge one.

At home I opened my stainless steel rod, and used the larger loop hole side on this monster puff I had beating on my forehead. I applied the loop directly over the rod, and added some pressure to the area. I then slowly began to slide the rod downwards, and….

Ech, gross, nasty, explosion, filthy, puss… it landed on my mirror.

So the rod worked. It caused an explosion. Hmm… but I’m confused, they say don’t pop a zit, let it heal on its own. Yet now I ‘can’ pop a zit, and not cause a scar so long as I use this Revlon rod?!

I’m kinda not buying it. The explosion was no different then one that I could of caused with my fingers. How are they saying there will be no scarring!? BS… I’m sniffing foul play here.

Whatever though. I figured this rod was cleaner then my dirty fingers, so why not use it instead of my nubs.

I moved on to pimple numero two. This pimple was a bit smaller, so I reversed the rod, and used the smaller loop. I placed the rod on my zit, applied pressure and slowly slid forward.

Holy hell, it F’in hurt! The loops hole was either too sharp or I applied to much pressure. Either way I had managed to peel a very small layer of skin.

That was when the wonderful Revlon Stainless Steel Blackhead Remover ended up in the trash. I knew from there on out that popping pimples poor mans way was a hell of a lot safer. I’d end up with scars all over my face if I continued to use the piece of crap Revlon Stainless Steel Blackhead Remover.

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What do you think? It’s a giant no.