Review: Walgreen’s Migraine Relief Medicine

A few days ago, my wife was complaining of a headache (I’m guessing it was caused by the dry air in the house from the furnace running) and, of course, we didn’t have anything for her to take. Because of this, I ended up running up the street to Walgreen’s to buy something.

When it comes to headaches, my drug of choice is Excedrin. My wife and I have both tried alternatives and it always seemed to be the one medicine that actually worked for us. So, when I went to the store, I intended on buying that. However, I hadn’t gotten paid yet, money was a bit tight and I’m no longer allowed to use my medical flex account for over the counter drugs so, when I saw how expensive the Excedrin was, I reluctantly decided to buy the Walgreen’s Store Brand Migraine Relief Medicine instead.

One of the first things people usually tell me is there is no difference between store brands and brand name medicines other than the price. And, I try to keep an open mind about that too. However, I have also found that isn’t always the case; especially when it comes to headache relief. So, when I purchased this medicine, I did have some doubts about it.

The medicine did seem to work on my wife pretty well. However, when I had to take it earlier today, I have to admit those doubts were still lingering since she seems to do better with other medicines than I usually do. And, when I gave in and took a couple of these, I found myself wondering whether or not they would make a difference on my headache.

See also  Natural Solutions for Headache Relief

As it turns out, they worked just as well as the Excedrin. I didn’t have a full-blown migraine when I took them (I was starting to get a headache and took them before it got too bad) and can’t yet vouch about how well they would work with that. But, at least for the headache I did have this morning, the pills did the trick. It was gone in about a half hour and stayed away all day. And, unlike many other medicines I’ve tried, it didn’t upset my stomach (another thing I always liked about the Excedrin).

As a result of this, I do feel this was a medicine that was worth purchasing and, at least if I can’t find the Excedrin on sale for a comparable price, I have no problem saving some money buying this brand instead.