Review: Rembrandt 2 Hour Whitening Kit

I am a victim. A victim of coffee and tea stained teeth, that is. Put a cup of hot, sweet, creamy black tea or coffee in front of me, and if I don’t drink it, something is wrong with me. It also doesn’t help that there are coffee shops (with tea!) around just about every corner, which are very tempting. Enough about my coffee and tea fixation, though. Let’s discuss the Rembrandt 2 Hour Whitening Kit, and the results I got after attempting to whiten my teeth with it.

I try my best to not be overly critical of myself, but my teeth needed help, particularly my upper teeth. Thus, when I purchased the Rembrandt whitening kit, I decided to only whiten my upper teeth. I can’t tell you how the tray used on the bottom teeth feels, but I can tell you what it was like to whiten my upper teeth with this product.

Some teeth whitening kits can be pricey, and time-consuming. Some say they promise good results after a week or two, which can present problems with remembering to do, making time for, and waiting for results from the step(s) required to get results from the product. So, when I saw the Rembrandt kit for about $20.00, and its claim to whiten teeth in just two hours, I had to try it.

When the box is opened, inside is a plastic tray containing eight ampoules of teeth whitening gel, and two soft, flexible trays that you place on your teeth, along with an instruction booklet in both English and French.

I won’t go into much detail about how to actually use the product, since that information is available in the enclosed instructional booklet, but I will say that I found it simple to use.

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The first thing the instructions say to do is to customize the trays to fit your teeth. This is easy to do, and got major points from me simply because having the tray fit the shape of your teeth is nice.

After that step is complete, the whitening process begins. There are two things I want to point out here. First of all, I didn’t see anywhere in the instructional booklet about brushing your teeth (or not) before doing the first of the whitening treatments. To be on the safe side, I didn’t brush my teeth first.

Second of all, I would advise anyone that is going to use this kit to set aside a day to do it. Pick a day when you won’t be leaving the house, attending a party or working, for example, if possible. While this process claims to only take two hours, it actually takes just a bit longer. Between watching the clock, washing your hands if you are doing other things while waiting on the gel to do its magic, and preparing the tray for the next round, I would say it takes probably takes two hours and fifteen minutes or so, if you do all four treatments.

The Basics

After you’ve fit the tray(s) to your teeth, you empty a single ampoule into a tray. I was only whitening my upper teeth, so I only needed one tray and one ampoule. You repeat this process as many times as needed, using a new ampoule for each treatment. The instructions say that if you are satisfied with just one or a few treatments, using all four treatments isn’t necessary. I wanted the whitest teeth I could get, so I used four ampoules for a total of four treatments.

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Wearing the tray on my upper teeth wasn’t very uncomfortable. In fact, since the trays are so soft and flexible, it was quite comfortable on my teeth. I did find, however, that it was nearly impossible to keep the whitening gel off my gums and upper lip. What got on there wasn’t much, but it was enough to cause a burning sensation, which cleared up after a few minutes.

The Results

After completing the process, I was, of course, anxious to see the results. While the results were not drastic, there was certainly a significant improvement. My stained teeth lightened up! The ones that weren’t stained lightened up as well.

Since I only used half of the ampoules and only one tray, I have another round of treatments to use on my teeth. I plan on using these soon, but not too soon. The instructions said to use it again the following week or month, if your teeth aren’t as white as you want them to be.

Overall, I would have to say that I am pleased with the Rembrandt 2 Hour Whitening Kit. It promised whiter teeth in two hours, and it delivered. I liked that I could customize the trays to fit my teeth.

There are only two real drawbacks to this product. First, it is a bit laborious, because you must repeat the process four times. Fortunately, it was easy to do. Second, the whitening gel seemed to always get on my upper lip or gums, and caused a burning sensation. As previously stated, this cleared up pretty fast.

This may seem like common sense, but this kit might work better for someone whose teeth aren’t stained too much. I found that, with my teeth, the ones that were stained worse than others didn’t lighten up as much as the ones that weren’t stained too bad.

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If someone asked me if I would purchase the Rembrandt 2 Hour Whitening Kit again, I would say yes. I think that for the money spent, the results were good. I would definitely consider this to be a good deal.