Review: Philly Steak & Cheese Lean Pockets

I am a long time fan of hot pockets. Then came lean pockets. I was skeptical but, decided to try some of these out. I recently purchased New Great Tasting Recipe Philly Steak & Cheese Lean Pockets. This product was on sale and I am a Philly steak and cheese lover so, I decided to purchase this product. Here is what I discovered!

New Great Tasting Recipe Philly Steak & Cheese Lean Pockets were very affordable. My local grocery store had them on sale for two boxes for five dollars. For two dollars and fifty cents, I got two lean pockets. That was great! These are called sandwiches on the front of this product and that is not correct. These are pastry type filled pockets. Just so you know that. This product has real cheese in it! That is good to know. The two hundred and seventy calories in each fact is a good thing about these lean pockets. I liked that. The cheese in this product is low fat mozzarella cheese. Yum! This lean pocket also has beef steak, red peppers, green pepper and onions.

The preparation of this product is very interesting. You can hurt yourself, if you are not careful. Remember that I warned you. I will explain, as I type this product review with a very sore and burned finger. These lean pockets have to be cooked in a microwave sleeve. This would be fine, if you did not have to manipulate the sleeve after cooking. If you microwave this lean pocket, you must slip it in a special sleeve that comes with this product. You microwave it for a few minutes, on a microwave safe plate. Here comes the fun part. Then, you must remove the lean pocket and close the end of the sleeve. You then place the lean pocket back in the sleeve for two minutes. Problem. The sleeve is hot! You have to touch it to close the end properly. It hurt me. It burned my finger and I did not like that. I had trouble getting the sleeve closed properly and that caused me to burn my finger. The sleeve did not want to close easily, in my opinion. Anyway, after closing it, I gratefully left it alone for the two minutes!

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Ow. My finger still hurts. Anyway, yes, this lean pocket cooked wonderfully, evenly and it smelled great. Wounded but, hungry, I got the lean pocket out of the microwave sleeve. It was still very hot! I cut it in half and could feel the steam off of it. It was very hot, did I say that already? I had to let this product cool for many minutes. I was pretty hungry when I tried this lean pocket, needless to say. Yes, it was very tasty! The mozzarella cheese was delicious in combination with the large amount of beef steak. I was pleased with this product’s taste. I think I am still mad over being burned trying to prepare it properly, though. It did taste great. I still have to say that is was not worth injuring myself over. Ow.

You can prepare New Great Tasting Recipe Philly Steak & Cheese Lean Pockets in a regular oven or toaster oven. If you cook it this way, it takes thirty minutes, on a baking sheet, at 350 degrees. Sheesh. The good part is that you do not have to use the cooking sleeve until after the product has cooked for thirty minutes. So, this way, hey, the cooking sleeve is cold and you can actually attempt to close it without burning yourself! The darn sleeve is still too hard to close, in my opinion. Anyway, again, it is a tasty lean pocket and I enjoyed eating it. I like this product with a green salad or potato salad on the side. It also goes well with chips and dip. I rate New Great Tasting Recipe Philly Steak & Cheese Lean Pockets four stars out of five stars.

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New Great Tasting Recipe Philly Steak & Cheese Lean Pockets have two hundred and seventy calories in them. Only seventy of these calories come from fat. This product has seven grams of total fat, three and one half grams of saturated fat, zero grams of trans fat, twenty-five mgs of cholesterol, six hundred and forty mgs of sodium, thirty-nine grams of total carbs, two grams of dietary fiber, eight grams of sugars and eleven grams of protein. This lean pocket has fifteen percent of my daily required iron and calcium. It also contains a small amount of vitamin A.

The advertising on the outside of this lean pocket’s box states that it has been improved. I have no doubt of that fact. It was very tasty! I enjoyed trying and doing a product review on this lean pocket. I enjoyed everything about this product except for burning myself while trying prepare it. You can find New Great Tasting Recipe Philly Steak & Cheese Lean Pockets in most of the grocery stores that you shop in!
