Review of Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut

Trinity College, Hartford, CT is clearly not Yale. Trinity College, Hartford, Ct. is smaller than Yale and certainly less well known. But there is much about Trinity College, Hartford, CT that becomes evident as you review the school that may come as a surprise and possibly lead you to more thorough investigation, a chat with alumni or an on campus visit. The more you look, the more you will be brought to the conclusion that though Trinity College, Hartford,CT is most definitely not Yale, it offers a very powerful educational package.

Growth and Development. While the country and region were still young and growing Trinity College was founded in 1823 but for the first 20 years took the name “Washington College” eventually taking its current name in 1845. The school from the outset was small and throughout the 19th century the enrollment in any given year never stretched much above 100. The site of the school was changed in 1872 when Trinity College determined to sell its “college hill” campus to the state for use in the establishment of a state capitol building. This move resulted in Trinity College moving to a 100 acre site that it retains unto the present day.

During the 20th century the school grew and became more diversified . It’s student body today numbers about 2200 students evenly divided between male and female enrollees. The student body includes 20% minority enrollment and an incredible mixture of students from 44 different states and 22 nations. In 2007 , all things considered , Trinity College, Hartford remains rather true to its original intent to provide liberal arts education in a small school environment.

How Trinity Students Learn. The educational options at Trinity are considerable. This is a school that is focused on undergraduate studies in the arts and sciences and it makes every effort to make sure that student needs are met. The student to faculty ratio of 11 students to 1 professor helps to insure regular opportunities to access the assistance of teachers in the classroom and to engage in academic give and take with classmates.

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What is rather unusual about the faculty at Trinity is the degree to which professors are engaged at all levels of instruction. All professors teach both introductory sessions and advanced courses. Student don’t find themselves stuck with first year graduate students teaching large sections of introductory anything. Quality dominates the educational offerings students receive at Trinity.

Quality is magnified by the chances that Trinity College provides for students to go active with what they have learned . Students are encouraged to participate in learning experiences which take them into the real world through internship programs. A full one half of all students attending Trinity College do get involved in interning with area business and governmental concerns. Students are also encouraged to expand their knowledge through a huge menu of possible study abroad programs . Again nearly half of the student body accepts that challenge to grow through study and travel .

How Trinity Students Live. Life on the campus at Trinity College is marked by the city environment which surrounds the school. Hartford is the capital city of Connecticut, not a rural community and that fact in some ways establishes a certain urban atmosphere to Trinity College. At the same time its easy when you look at the grounds and the magnificent buildings that comprise Trinity College campus to totally forget where you are and that a city surrounds you.

For the most part Trinity students live on campus and after Freshman year select from a pretty solid variety of on campus options. At Trinity you can find traditional dorms and theme dorms, single rooms and suites for multiple students. For most Trinity students taking part in dorm living is an integral part of college life and education.

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When classes are finished for the day and on weekends the campus comes alive with all kinds of student centered activities. Trinity furnishes support for cultural groups, athletic clubs, service organizations and special interest groups. There is a real interest at Trinity College in providing students with quality options with which to fill their out of class time. You can join an equestrian club , be part of the student government, or hitch on to a musical group. With only 2200 students you can manage to fully participate in almost any group of your choosing.

Athletics plays a serious part in the life of the Trinity student. More than half of the students take part in some type of organized or voluntary athletic activity. Beyond the sports clubs there is intercollegiate action in a number of major sports. After all Trinity has had organized sports here since the 19th century. Competition with other colleges is at the NCAA Division III level in which Trinity is pitted against other schools in the New England area of approximately the same size making for great rivalry and some serious competition.

You Are Part of Hartford. To some outside observers, one of the truly unusual aspects that you will discover if you review Trinity College is the close, supportive ties that exist between the college and the city of Hartford. It would be possible for the college and the city to simply seal themselves off from one another or to develop a town vs. gown antipathy. Instead Trinity College students are encouraged to participate in a large number of service options take part in and directly benefit the city of Hartford.

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Since 1995 Trinity College has pursued a project of cooperation and enrichment for some of the most needy residents of the city by creating “the Learning Corridor”. Here Trinity College invests space, talent and funds to lift educational opportunities for children of all ages as well as enrichment programs to keep kids involved and out of trouble after school. Amazingly, Trinity College is the only college in the U. S. to have a Boys and Girls Club of America located right on campus. All of these centers not only service Hartford’s most disadvantaged young people, they also provide wonderful enrichment and growth venues of Trinity students. It is decidedly a win-win situation.

No one can argue the truth of the fact that Trinity is not Yale, but if you ask the students at Trinity they may tell you they are quite content to abide with the difference.
