Review of Neutrogena’s Tinted Moisturizer

Tinted moisturizer is a fairly new concept, at least to me it is. Over the years, I think many women have struggled to find the perfect foundation. Why use a foundation when you can use a tinted moisturizer? Of course, to use a tinted moisturizer instead of a foundation, the tinted moisturizer has to work and it has to work well. I use a foundation because I am trying to cover up trouble spots and even out my skin tone. If my tinted moisturizer can not do what my foundation does, then it is not good enough.

Skeptical About A Tinted Moisturizer

I would never shell out the $12 (average) that it costs to buy Neutrogena’s tinted moisturizer but it just so happened my Mom had me try hers. I have always had trouble spots on my skin; acne scars, discolorations, and other blemishes. I have also always worn foundation and I do not leave the house without it on. On that note, I have never been able to find the perfect foundation and over the years I have just had to settle with what looked ‘OK’. It has always been a challenge to find foundation coverage without turning orange, having obvious foundation lines, peeling, or the make-up wearing off. Knowing all this, it would be easy to assume that I would be skeptical about a tinted moisturizer. I had no idea why my Mom thought that a tinted moisturizer would cover all the things I was trying to hide, there was just no way.

Trying Out Neutrogena Tinted Moisturizer

As I stated, my Mom uses neutrogena tinted moisturizer and she let me try hers. She laughed when I used a make-up brush to ‘paint’ on the tinted moisturizer, but that is what I was used to with my foundation. I was afraid to use just a little because I just knew that tinted moisturizer would not cover me up well. I did use just the pea size amount of tinted moisturizer that I usually use with my foundation and it went on just like my foundation. Putting on the tinted moisturizer felt just like I was putting on foundation, except it felt slightly lighter and cleaner. The only real exception when putting it on was that it felt like it blended better on my skin and I was not left dealing with the foundation ring edges. I was impressed with how I felt putting on neutrogena’s tinted moisturizer but I was still sure I would not like the coverage it gave me.

See also  Neutrogena Mineral Sheers Powder Foundation Compact Review

Using Neutrogena Tinted Moisturizer

The results are in and I recommend neutrogena’s tinted moisturizer and I continue to use it on a daily basis. I still paint the tinted moisturizer on with a brush which I think allows me to use less and gives better coverage. Neutrogena tinted moisturizer gives a light coverage of trouble spots, moisturizes the skin, gives a great base for powder, and feels light weight. When I wear neutrogena tinted moisturizer, I feel as if I am not even wearing anything on my face but I still feel comfortable. The best thing about neutrogena’s tinted moisturizer is that I know it looks good. I saw some pictures of myself using my new tinted moisturizer instead of foundation and my face looks covered and fresh.

Other Information

Neutrogena is a tinted moisturizer so it can rub off on your clothing just like make up.

Occasionally, when I am in need of extra coverage, I mix in a little foundation to help me feel better covered.

I have experienced less acne problems since using neutrogena tinted moisturizer.

Neutrogena tinted moisturizer has SPF 15.