Review of Coppertone Sport Continuous Sunscreen Spray

Though I enjoy getting my fair share of sunshine, I absolutely hate getting sunburned. On days when I know that I will spending some time on the beach or going to a baseball game for hours at a time, sunscreen is always necessary. Here, I will tell you about one of the sunscreen products that I have recently tried out – Coppertone Sport Continuous Sunscreen Spray with 50 SPF.

Coppertone Sport Continuous Sunscreen Spray is Very Easy to Apply

The thing that I like the most about Coppertone Sport Continuous Sunscreen Spray is the fact that it is very easy to use. All that you need to do is spray it on. You really do not need to worry about blending it in at all, unless you spray it too heavily – which can happen if you are not careful. It is excellent for days at the beach when you know that you need to apply more sunscreen but you do not want to go through the process of rubbing it on your body. All that you need to do is rub it in. For ease of use, I give this product 5 stars.

Coppertone Sport Continuous Sunscreen Spray is Waterproof

I do like the fact that Coppertone Sport Continuous Sunscreen Spray is waterproof. This makes it a good sunscreen choice if you plan to go to the beach, pool or any other scenario when you do not want your sunscreen to be washed away by water. The only complaint that I have about Coppertone Sport Continuous Sunscreen Spray when it comes to it being waterproof is the fact that it can get to feel pretty sticky and a lot stickier than when you applied it after you have gone in water. Since this product is as waterproof as the bottle claims, regardless of how sticky you feel afterwards, I give it 3.5 stars.

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Coppertone Sport Continuous Sunscreen Spray Doesn’t Provide Full Protection

Although I admit that Coppertone Sport Continuous Sunscreen Spray is easy to apply, making it a great choice for a day at the beach, I really do not recommend this product to anyone who is looking for full protection from the sun. Since Coppertone Sport Continuous Sunscreen Spray does offer a 50 SPF version, which is what I used, any reasonable person would think that you will not get sunburned when you use this product. When I applied another sunscreen earlier in the day and Coppertone Sport later on in the day, I did not experience any burning. However, when I used Coppertone Sport Continuous Sunscreen Spray by itself, I got sunburned pretty badly. For protection from the sun when used by itself, I give this product 1 star.

Coppertone Sport Continuous Sunscreen Spray Smells Pretty Awful

I personally enjoy the smell of most sunscreens. I’m especially a sucker for the scent of Coppertone’s Water Babies Sunscreen. There is a major difference between the way that sunscreen that is applied from a bottle smells, as opposed to sunscreen that is applied with a spray bottle. The only word that I can use to describe the way that Coppertone Sport Continuous Sunscreen Spray smells when you apply it is very chemical-like. Sometimes when I applied it, I would end up coughing because of the awful smell. After sitting on the skin for a few minutes, of course, the awful scent would go away. For overall scent, I give this product 2 stars – and that is only because the bad smell does go away.

Coppertone Sport Continuous Sunscreen Spray Doesn’t Last Long

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Many sunscreens that I have used in the past have lasted me quite a long time, depending on how frequently I used them. With Coppertone Sport Continuous Sunscreen Spray, I found the exact opposite to be true. Even though I did not use this sunscreen very often, it did not last me long at all. I think it is because you need to use a lot of this product to notice that it has even been applied to your skin and some of the sunscreen seems to be lost by spraying it into the air. For the overall amount of time that Coppertone Sport sunscreen lasted for how little I actually used it, I need to give it 2 stars.


While Coppertone Sport Continuous Sunscreen Spray is a decent product, I do not recommend anyone to use it by itself. The fact that it does not provide full protection against sunburn, which is the main reason that you are using it to begin with, outweighs the fact that it is really easy to use and waterproof. If you choose to use Coppertone Sport, I highly recommend that you use it in combination with another sunscreen. I also recommend that you choose the 50 SPF version of this sunscreen, as even this high amount of SPF does not offer very much protection from the sun. Overall, I give this product 3 stars, since it is easy to use and waterproof.