Review of Clear Care Cleaning and Disinfecting Solution for Contact Lenses

I have been wearing contact lenses for about 15 years, and for 10 of those years, I’ve worn overnight extended wear soft contact lenses. Because I do sleep in my contacts several nights a month, finding a contact solution that really cleans my lenses and keeps my eyes feeling comfortable is a challenge. A new product, Clear Care Cleaning and Disinfecting Solution by CIBAVision, entered the market recently. I decided to give Clear Care a try with a free rebate promotion I received in the mail. I must say that Clear Care Cleaning and Disinfecting solution for contact lenses is one of the best free items I have ever received!

Clear Care Cleaning and Disenfecting Solution is a no rub cleaning solution like many of the products for contact lenses currently on the market. What makes Clear Care different is the fact that you cannot put it directly in your eyes. It is strictly a cleaner, not a saline solution. Since I sleep in my contact lenses I put solution in my eyes each morning when I wake up. I had to be careful not to put Clear Care in my eyes.

Clear Care Cleaning and Disenfecting Solution comes with a unique shaped cylinder in which you place your contact lenses for overnight cleaning. The solution is then squirted around your lenses. After Clear Care sits in the cylinder for a few moments it starts to bubble rapidly. This bubbling helps to thoroughly clean your contact lenses and remove any protein deposits or bacteria.

Clear Care Cleaning and Disenfecting Solution claims to reduce the risk of eye infections thanks to its superior contact lens cleaning power. I never suffer from eye infections so this was not a factor for me, however it could be helpful to some consumers. My biggest concern was comfort and Clear Care Cleaning and Disenfecting Solution did indeed do a great job of cleaning my contact lenses. I take my lenses out twice a month for a good cleaning and each time I used Clear Care it felt like I was putting in a brand new pair of contact lenses.

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The comfort and cleaning power of Clear Care Cleaning and Disinfecting Solution does seem to be superior to other no rub contact lens cleaning solutions. The ease of use, however, is not as good. For someone like me who needs to put a solution in the eyes each morning, I now have to use two bottles of contact lens solution: one for cleaning and one for wetness. If you do not need this, however, Clear Care Cleaning and Disinfecting Solution is perfectly safe to put in your eyes after sitting overnight. In other words you do not need to rinse your lenses after taking them out of the cylinder.

Overall, I give Clear Care Cleaning and Disinfecting Solution an “A.” While it is not quite as convenient as some other brands of contact lens solution, the superior cleaning power is worth the extra time for me. If you would like to try Clear Care Cleaning and Disinfecting Solution you can do so for free just like I did by visiting for a free rebate offer.
